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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/24 8:43:50 Edit(编辑)
Huainan, Anhui Government suspected PS, and photographer known as real

Huainan, Anhui Government suspected PS, and photographer known as real(安徽淮南政府网现疑似PS照,拍摄者称真实)

Suspected PS photograph was taken of Huainan, Anhui Province Government said real (photo) | Government Web sites _ |PS| flag news

Recently, Huainan, urban and rural construction Committee website publishes a newsletter, and dispensed a picture, picture on the banner without any creasing, suspension is very outstanding, is even more ridiculous is that banner would cover the flag flying in front of the building. Yesterday, Huainan, urban and rural construction Commission, picture is of Huainan's first water company to provide. Which party head Zhang said the pictures he took of, without PS, but was unable to explain how the banner to cover the flag.

 Government website PS photos

Yesterday, reporters at the website of Huainan municipal urban and rural construction Commission, "urban and rural construction news" section, see the water quality of the huaihe River successfully passed the provincial detection Centre accreditation on-site review of news, news on December 12, the allotment is "first water quality test center" of the exterior of the building. Banner hanging on the building and two shufu. See banner in the picture is a little crease in the middle of the banner will also cover the flag flying in front of the building.

"I thought it was a slogan written on red paper, and put it on the outer wall of an office building, so giving the impression banner formation. "Netizens" fruit "said, then take a look at this picture, found head office building on one side only exposing the bottom of the flag, affixed signs turn flag affixed to the following, so she thought the picture was PS.

Subsequently, some netizens banners suspended matter generated by micro-blogging, quickly attracted tens of thousands of Internet users watch and forward. "News picture with a picture of the PS, this is clearly fake, also openly posted on Government websites, it is inappropriate. ”

Photo courtesy insists that the original film

Website of Huainan municipal urban and rural construction Commission official said that this picture is provided by pioneer water company of Huainan, reminded reporters, after carefully looking at this picture, he admits is not strict, PS mark. Later, the picture was removed from the website.

Photo courtesy however pioneer water company of Huainan party head Zhang insisted that pictures he took of, not PS, and no one in the Office PS. "I remember that it was windy when hanging banners, first after you hang up, blown off by the wind and subsequently reproduce the picture up. "Zhang said.

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter made a special trip to pioneer water company water quality inspection center of Huainan, flagpoles on the head office out of the building, there are about 6 meters, if the banners hanging on the wall, only flag block banners, and cannot be a banner blocking flag.

"The flag is a banner of cover on the door of the Office building, following only exposing the bottom of the flag, flag of the banner is how you stopped? "As for the questions raised by the reporters, Zhang failed to explain. (Zhang Anhao)

Original title: PS according to the Government website of Huainan admits is not strict (map)

(Edit: SN035)
December 24, 2013 When online
安徽淮南政府网现疑似PS照 拍摄者称真实(图)|政府网站|PS|国旗_新闻资讯











   原标题:淮南一政府网站现PS照 承认把关不严(图)


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