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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/22 18:56:23 Edit(编辑)
Tong Mingqian, Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC Hunan for suspected serious disciplinary offences been dismissed

Tong Mingqian, Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC Hunan for suspected serious disciplinary offences been dismissed(湖南政协副主席童名谦涉嫌严重违纪被免职)

Tong Mingqian, Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC Hunan for suspected serious disciplinary offences been dismissed | Tong Mingqian | | Hunan, Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC _ news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 21-the Central Organisation Department official confirmed that Hunan province, Tong Mingqian, Vice-President for suspected serious disciplinary offences, the central authorities has decided to waive its leadership positions, is being handled by program.

  Tong Mingqian resumes

Tong Mingqian, incumbent Vice Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Committee. Male, born in June 1958, Han, in Changsha, Hunan province, the Central Party school graduate degree, master of science in engineering in April 1979, joined the Communist Party of China, went to work in October 1975.

1975.10-1980.11 852 farms processing plant in Heilongjiang II workshop Porter, zhenggongzu advocacy officer, farm organization Department Director

1980.11-1984.01 Hunan lianyuan steel lining workshop education officers, youth officer, Deputy Secretary

1984.01-1987.01 Deputy Secretary of the Communist Youth League in Hunan province loudi prefectural (: 1984.09-1986.07 China Youth College for political sciences college professional learning training and political education)

1987.01-1993.07 Office of the Minister of the propaganda Department of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, Director, International Department (: 1993.02-1993.07 young cadres in the Hunan provincial party school courses)

1993.07-1997.08 Deputy Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League (1992.01-1993.12 equivalent in international school of management engineering, Hunan University, master of science in engineering degree)

1997.08-2000.09 Executive, Minister of the Organization Department of the xiangxitujiazumiaozuzizhizhou Committee of Hunan province (1995.08-1997.12 party central party school college professional studies)

2000.09-2003.02 xiangxitujiazumiaozuzizhizhou Deputy Secretary of Hunan province (: 2001.03-2002.01 young cadres in the Central Party school, a one-year courses)

2003.02-2008.03 xiangxitujiazumiaozuzizhizhou Secretary of Hunan province (2001.03-2004.01 Central Party school in-service postgraduate professional studies of Economics and management)

Secretary of 2008.03-2012.02 in Shaoyang, Hunan province (: 2010.03-2010.07 young cadres in the Central Party school courses)

2012.02-2013.01 Secretary of the Hengyang in Hunan province

2013.01-2013.04 Hengyang in Hunan province, Vice-Chairman of Secretary of municipal party Committee

2013.04-Chairman of the Hunan provincial political consultative conference

(Edit: SN095)
December 21, 2013 The website




  1975.10—1980.11 黑龙江八五二农场加工厂二车间搬运工、厂政工组宣传干事、农场组织部组织干事

  1980.11—1984.01 湖南省涟源钢铁厂炉衬车间教育干事,团委干事、副书记

  1984.01—1987.01 共青团湖南省娄底地委副书记(其间:1984.09—1986.07中国青年政治学院大专培训班政治教育专业学习)

  1987.01—1993.07 共青团湖南省委宣传部部长、办公室主任、联络部部长(其间:1993.02—1993.07湖南省委党校中青年干部培训班学习)

  1993.07—1997.08 共青团湖南省委副书记(1992.01—1993.12湖南大学国际商学院管理工程专业同等学力学习,获工学硕士学位)

  1997.08—2000.09 湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州委常务、组织部部长(1995.08—1997.12中央党校函授学院党政专业学习)

  2000.09—2003.02 湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州委副书记(其间:2001.03—2002.01中央党校一年制中青年干部培训班学习)

  2003.02—2008.03 湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州委书记(2001.03—2004.01中央党校在职研究生班经济管理专业学习)

  2008.03—2012.02 湖南省邵阳市委书记(其间:2010.03—2010.07中央党校中青年干部培训班学习)

  2012.02—2013.01 湖南省衡阳市委书记

  2013.01—2013.04 湖南省政协副主席、衡阳市委书记

  2013.04— 湖南省政协副主席


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