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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/22 18:55:51 Edit(编辑)
Singapore boat accidents in the waters, 5 missing Chinese crew members

Singapore boat accidents in the waters, 5 missing Chinese crew members(新加坡水域发生翻船事故,5名中国船员失踪)

Singapore boat accidents in the waters of 5 Chinese crewmen missing | Singapore | capsized | Chinese sailors _ news

Website of Bangkok, December 20 (reporter Yu Jinghao) Singapore the Straits Times website reported 20th, Singapore maritime and port authority (MPA) on Friday continued to 19th 5 Chinese sailors who went missing in a ferry boat capsize accident for search and rescue operations. 19th at around 8 in the morning, Chinese barge "constant macros 168th" Singapore waters capsized in the East, and 11 crew members on board were Chinese nationals. After the incident, Singapore sending Coast Guard ships to rescue, and 6 crew members were rescued, and another 5 crew members unaccounted for.

Singapore maritime and port authority said up to 20th, Singapore Air Force dispatched two helicopters as well as the Singapore Coast Guard dispatched two patrol boats still in trouble waters to perform search and rescue missions. In addition, Singapore also sent a diver support boat performed on waters near the diving search and rescue missions. MPA said the cause of the accident is still under investigation, 6 rescued Chinese sailors have not currently in need of medical help, Singapore has told the Chinese Ambassador Singapore informed the Embassy of the incident.

Singapore waters in the East capsizing accidents are frequent. On July 24 of this year, Chinese barge "guoliang No. 677" Singapore waters capsized in the East, 8 Chinese crew members were missing. July 30 search and rescue operations end, accidents cause 1 Chinese crew members were killed, 7 missing.

(Edit: SN077)
December 20, 2013 People's daily online
新加坡水域发生翻船事故 5名中国船员失踪|新加坡|翻船|中国船员_新闻资讯

  人民网曼谷12月20日电(记者 于景浩)新加坡《海峡时报》网站20日报道说,新加坡海事和港务局(MPA)周五继续对19日驳船倾覆事故中失踪的5名中国船员进行搜救。19日早上8点左右,中国籍驳船“恒宏168号”在新加坡东部水域倾覆,船上11名船员均为中国籍。事发后,新加坡派出海岸警卫队舰艇进行救援,6名船员获救,另有5名船员下落不明。




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