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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/22 18:55:46 Edit(编辑)
Shenzhen makeshift roadside parking 1 day maximum receive $ 285 million

Shenzhen makeshift roadside parking 1 day maximum receive $ 285 million(深圳路边临时停车1天最高收285元)

Makeshift roadside parking 1 day maximum receive $ 285 million in Shenzhen | | roadside charges | Shenzhen _ news

Authorities wide nets of Shenzhen on December 21, according to voice of the Yonge-Canton News reported, on December 17, Shenzhen, Shenzhen Transportation Committee issued the makeshift roadside parking management programmes, programmes of public interest were mentioned for the first time in parking standards. Headed by a regional weekday charges 5 Yuan for half an hour, after the first half hour, every half an hour and 10 day maximum fee of 285.

The 17th of this month Shenzhen Transportation Committee, released the Shenzhen a makeshift roadside parking management programmes, the programme has also been mentioned for the first time in our community as a whole is more concerned about, street parking standards. The fees would divide the city into three categories, category areas charge higher fees than the second class, two classes above three classes, working days compared with non-working day, charging during the day than at night. Charges were in accordance with the management plan the day to 7:30 points, suspended until the next day 22 o'clock is free of charge. A region that is, the original SAR more prosperous, more congestion in some areas. Weekday fees are 5 bucks every half an hour, every half hour and then after half an hour and then pay 10 bucks.

Programme did not identify specific time to implement, the 28th of this month that hearings will be held next Saturday. In Shenzhen earlier already hearing the announcement, is to apply to all residents, has selected 12 participants in the hearing, there are 6 representatives of the people, there are 2 deputies, two CPPCC members, representatives from industry associations, as well as a car park operating a management representative, 8 audit personnel were also established.

According to Shenzhen City Board has a plans, he has a comparison detailed of planning, early on select some original SAR within of some traffic comparison hold plugging, and pavement parking order comparison chaos of some regional, like first selected has four a tablets district, then Fukuda Center district South tablets district, then Nanshan Center district, and also has a Lo Tin Bell tablets district, on in this four a tablets district around temporary parking management of pilot tablets district.

(Original title: publishing makeshift roadside parking programme in Shenzhen day maximum fee of 285)

(Edit: SN095)
December 21, 2013 China broadcast network

  央广网深圳12月21日消息 据中国之声《央广新闻》报道,12月17日,深圳市交通运输委发布了《深圳市路边临时停车收费管理方案》,方案中首次提到了市民关心的路边停车收费标准。一类区域工作日收费标准为首半小时5元,首半小时后,每半小时10元,一天最高收费285元。




(原标题:深圳发布路边临时停车收费方案 一天最高收费285元)


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