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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/22 18:53:37 Edit(编辑)
Lanzhou good air quality days of the year, 80% off, “pollution hat“

Lanzhou good air quality days of the year, 80% off, “pollution hat“(兰州全年空气质量优良天占8成,摘掉“污染帽”)

Lanzhou good air quality days of the year and 80% took off "pollution hat" | | | Lanzhou air pollution pollutants _ news

Xinhuanet, Lanzhou, December 21 (reporter)-Gansu Provincial capital of Lanzhou, once China air is one of the ten most polluted cities. 20th is the air quality in Lanzhou No. 292 days so far this year, marking the Lanzhou City Government completed its commitment to public air quality days accounted for 80% of the year, took off after years of "pollution hat".

In early December, hundreds of municipalities nationwide were grey haze, while Lanzhou ushered in a rare blue sky. People sigh, seeing blue sky and a marked increase in the number of times this year.

Lanzhou environmental protection Bureau in yanzijiang said at a special news conference, which was since monitoring began in 2001 Lanzhou excellent comprehensive quality indexes most days, minimum one year.

According to data provided by the local disease control Department, in November this year, cases of respiratory diseases for medical clinic down in Lanzhou city 24.5%.

All this benefited from huge financial support and strong pollution control measures.

According to yanzijiang on 2013 State Treasury, environmental protection departments under the central environmental protection special capital of 230 million Yuan, the Lanzhou municipal government invested 400 million Yuan, together with provincial coal-fired boiler 110 million Yuan Special Fund for governance and attract social capital of 1.89 billion yuan, air pollution in Lanzhou invested more than 2.6 billion yuan.

In terms of energy restructuring, after two years of renovation, coal burning boiler exits in Lanzhou city, only this one to reduce burn 1.4 million tons of raw coal, reducing air pollutant emission 23,400 tons. Since the heating season, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide average daily concentration fell compared with a year earlier, 53.33%.

In the area of industrial pollution treatment, Datang xigu Thermo electron Corporation, PetroChina Lanzhou petrochemical company, and Ulmus Jiuquan iron and steel group company completed the desulfurization of steel, several new denitrification facility in thermal power plant, cement plant. Key is also the main city of Lanzhou coal enterprises had introduced the "controlling power loads, limited amount of coal, coal quality, limit emissions" measures, and staff 24-hour stationed to monitor their emissions. Backward production capacity of 13 enterprises were eliminated, 69 households moved out of the main city of industrial enterprises into industrial park, new district of Lanzhou.

In addition, on November 17, started for more than 50 days of Lanzhou limited lines of motor vehicle danshuanghao, became one of the earliest owing to air pollution restrictions imposed by the city.

In the Yellow River Valley of Lanzhou basin, surrounded by mountains blocking, just 300 metres from the North and the narrowest. Special terrain in Lanzhou city winds of minimal, small wind and static wind accounted for 60% days, extremely easy to stack the air pollutants. Since 1949, this phenomenon was aggravated by the heavy industrial layout. Since the last century 70 's, started more than 30 years of Lanzhou "blue sky program".

According to the planning of Lanzhou the next three years, in 2014 on air pollution control Fund will be included in the budget, shall be allocated 100 million dollars a year by 2017 goal is to, under the new standard, Lanzhou excellent days increased year by year, the pollutant concentrations meet national targets, stable exit ten heavily polluted cities in the country.

(Edit: SN095)
December 21, 2013 The website
兰州全年空气质量优良天占8成 摘掉“污染帽”|兰州|空气污染|污染物_新闻资讯

  新华网兰州12月21日电 (记者 肖正强)甘肃省会兰州曾是中国空气污染最重的十个城市之一。20日是今年以来兰州第292个空气质量优良天,标志着兰州市政府完成了去年对市民的承诺,空气质量优良天数占到全年的80%,摘掉戴了多年的“污染帽”。












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