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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/22 18:53:15 Edit(编辑)
Hundreds of college students in Henan posing as migrant workers to meet the leading inspection

Hundreds of college students in Henan posing as migrant workers to meet the leading inspection(河南近百名大学生冒充农民工迎接领导视察)

Hundreds of college students posing as migrant workers to meet the leading inspection in Henan | | | migrant workers of college students visiting _ news

Newspaper news the morning of December 19, hundreds of University students are notified of Zhongyuan Institute of technology involved in one of the college students ' mass organizations "social practice". They did not realize is that they are taken to a site, distributed a safety helmet posing as migrant workers, for more than two hours in the cold to meet company leaders visit.

  Said to be "social practice" as "extras"

Xiaodong (not his real name) is a third year student of the hospital, the afternoon of December 18, school associations officials had informed him, and said that the next day there is a social practice, participation can be obtained "community practice certificate" on star ratings, you can get extra points. Because schools have asked for the proof, the smaller East had forwarded to many students.

Early morning of the next day, he and the other hundreds of students complete the collection, is a company of the vehicle received Zheng ping and South ring road, Zhengzhou city, on a construction site near the intersection. Balls was placed at the scene, in a welcome sign ... ... Xiaodong found, so this is a commercial centre and a pledging conference. Organizers distributed a safety helmet to each person, let them pass for migrant workers to meet company leaders visit. At that time, Taiwan also has many students from other schools.

At outdoor temperatures below zero degrees Celsius, these students from 8 o'clock in the morning to 10:20. When the activity is over, many people were shivering with cold, some back to school after a cold. "It's fraud, isn't it? "Xiaodong questioned, if they're being school groups to" sell "?

  Commitments-sponsored Club activities fees

"Does this. "Yesterday afternoon, I raised the matter of Heads of the society, just say so sorry. He said, activities does is he led organization of, zhiqian the company has sponsored had school of some community activities, this said to held a activities, "let help out some people, dang a audience, then I for on friends of trust, on promised has down, didn't thought day will is that case, effects is bad, I this two days has been in regret", but they and no received each other a points money, each other just commitment yihou community again has activities words, also can consider sponsored.

Xi Mou said that altogether 64 communities in schools, many students have participated in this event, he repeatedly apologized for that matter.

In response, Yang Weixue Deputy Secretary of Youth League Committee of the hospital, said that the event is not organized by the University, the school did not know, students participate in profit-making activities of community organizations is prohibited in schools, but the case exposed the loopholes in the school community management, they will strengthen management of society, to prevent recurrence of similar incidents.

21 o'clock yesterday, the reporter finally got in touch with what I call the event broker Yang. He said that did not compel students to participate, to participate in activities should be voluntary, "it is paid for, we did not do anything wrong."

He said that day is a business centre in the Pledging Conference, project contractors are the company's Zhengzhou branch, Zhejiang, his relatives are project leaders, he was not its employees. That day because a number of "lead", so I want to find some "extras" heighten the atmosphere, participating students with many universities, with about 400 people. I am a college does not charge service, merely the sponsoring associations activities in the future, provide gifts, banners etc, he also promised that "other colleges and universities have the cash, details not be disclosed".

Source: River

December 21, 2013 People's daily online

  本报讯 12月19日上午,中原工学院的近百名大学生接到通知,参与该校学生社团组织的一个“社会实践”。让他们没想到的是,他们被带到一处工地,分发了安全帽冒充农民工,在寒风中站了两个多小时,迎接公司领导的视察。

  说是“社会实践” 却成“群众演员”




  对方承诺赞助 社团没有收费








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