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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/22 18:53:13 Edit(编辑)
Hundreds of college students in Henan posing as migrant workers to meet leaders

Hundreds of college students in Henan posing as migrant workers to meet leaders(河南数百名大学生冒充农民工迎接领导)

Hundreds of college students posing as the leader of peasant workers in Henan | | | students leadership of migrant workers _ news

According to Xinhua, 19th, located in Zhengzhou Zhongyuan University of technology hundreds of college students participating in the school a student society organized a "social practice", but is distributed with hard hats posing as migrant workers to meet company leaders visit. Afterwards, head of the society say, didn't know, regret, school, the event non-school organizations, did not know, would strengthen management of society in the future.

According to a student participating in the activities described in the day, the afternoon of December 18, school associations officials had informed him, and said that the next day there is a social practice, participation can be obtained "community practice certificate" on star ratings, you can get extra points, he will forward this information to many students. 19th, hundreds of students complete the collection, were received by a company car on a construction site in Zhengzhou, the organizers distributed a safety helmet to each person, let them pass for migrant workers to meet company leaders visit. Their station from 8 o'clock in the morning till 10 points, at the end, a lot of people shivering cold.

Table of the heads of the society acknowledged this, and say it looked back. According to him, activity was indeed his lead organization, before the company had sponsored a school club activities, said they were having an event, to help out some people, when spectators, never thought of that day was one of those situations, very bad influence, his two days in regret. He also said that they have not received one penny, the other party may sponsor pledge that in future community activities.

Event broker Yang also said I am a community, there is really no charge labour, merely the sponsoring associations activities in the future, provide gifts, banners, etc. According to Yang on that day's Pledging Conference is organized by a business centre, because some company leaders, are looking for some "extras" heighten the atmosphere, there is student participation in University, with about 400 people.

(Original title: hundreds of college students posing as the leader of peasant workers in Henan)

December 22, 2013 Southern Metropolis daily

  据新华社电 19日,位于郑州的中原工学院近百名大学生参与该校某学生社团组织的一个“社会实践”时,竟被分发安全帽冒充农民工,迎接公司领导的视察。事后,该社团负责人称,没搞清楚情况,非常后悔;学校称,此次活动非学校组织,当时并不知晓,今后将加强对社团的管理。






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