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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/22 18:53:10 Edit(编辑)
Hunan, Guangdong and Sichuan 4 infants died after injections of hepatitis b vaccine

Hunan, Guangdong and Sichuan 4 infants died after injections of hepatitis b vaccine(湖南广东四川4名婴儿注射乙肝疫苗后死亡)

Hunan, Guangdong and Sichuan 4 infants died after injections of hepatitis b vaccine | | | vaccine newborn in Shenzhen _ news

In two or three minutes after injecting oxygen in critical condition

Express News reporter Zheng Yanhong Li Qiuling

Yesterday, Shenzhen health human rights Commission informed the recent district, Buji Town, Shenzhen People's Hospital obstetric neonatal deaths, children had been vaccinated before his death in Shenzhen kangtai biological products company limited (hereinafter referred to as "kangtai biological") of the hepatitis b vaccine. At present, the State food and drug supervision administration, the province has issued a notice ordering the suspension of kangtai biological product of all batches of recombinant hepatitis b vaccine.

In charge of district, Buji Town, Shenzhen People's Hospital, the children has been conducted autopsies, have yet to determine if the deaths associated with vaccination.

Recently, Hunan after three infants vaccinated against hepatitis b vaccine serious adverse reactions, including changning, Hengshan two infants died (this newspaper coverage).

 Died after vaccination of newborns

Express News reporter learned from district, Buji Town, Shenzhen People's Hospital, the child is a baby boy, on December 17, "caesarean section" was born at term, when the weight is 3150g.

Yang Jinmin, Director of the Office of the Hospital told reporters that the newborn appearance when no significant anomalies at birth is generally good. 10:35, 10:37 on that day, doctors clinic General giving intramuscular vitamin K15 ㎎, hepatitis b vaccines in neonates (Shenzhen kangtai biological products Corporation produces recombinant hepatitis b vaccine) 10ug.

17th, neonatal emergencies looking cyanosis, irregular breathing, crying little, the immediate implementation of the rescue. "2-3 minutes after the vaccination, suddenly appear in children with hypoxia, there were signs of problems," Yang Jinmin said that the children did not improve, the situation continued to deteriorate and 11:45 on that day, and patients whom, in children with clinically dead.

 Families have claim to the hospital

The morning of December 18, the questions the families of newborns in neonatal deaths, and written claim against the hospital in the morning the next day, suspected cause of death associated with the vaccine inoculation. "The doctor said the baby cry 5-10 minutes, in between that was vaccinated, after that I never heard the child crying, the coroner said that the child's development are good, are quite normal," said the newborn's father, because his wife is very fond of children and wives can't afford to fight, yet was afraid to tell her children died.

Yang Jinmin, told reporters after the incident, the hospital has been consulting with patients ' good on December 19, jointly apply to the Forensic Department for autopsy to identify the cause of death.

Press survey

Hunan vaccine lot number of infant deaths caused by different

This reporter learned that, after the incident, Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong provincial Center for disease control and prevention has sent someone to the hospital to investigate. Shenzhen, the SFDA also has been involved in the investigation, and sealed under the statutory procedure related to vaccines.

Yang Jinmin told Express news reporters about the newborn's death, the hospital cited multiple causes of death, "has also had to consider, with early disease." According to press reports, in Hunan province, two babies who died after injecting kangtai biological vaccine, injection of the vaccine lot number, respectively, C201207088, C201207090. The vaccines in Longgang District people's Hospital of South Bay C201207086 are now locked.

 Officials said it could not yet determine the cause of death associated with vaccines

At about 1 o'clock yesterday, Shenzhen health people to keep the community informed of the Committee related to the accident.

The afternoon of December 19, medical Human Rights Commission informed the district in the city of Shenzhen in Shenzhen kangtai biological production lot number of hepatitis b vaccine suspended.

At present, it is not yet certain whether the deaths associated with vaccination, need medical evaluation results to a definitive diagnosis.

Previously, Hunan, two infants died after kangtai biological production of hepatitis b vaccination, involved companies respond that infant deaths occurring as suspect in Hunan coupling deaths yesterday, starting the company in Shenzhen this suspected vaccination of neonatal deaths declined media interviews, and said company officials have been visiting Beijing with relevant departments for further investigation.

  Government response

Two ministries halted kangtai all involved vaccine

A few days ago, the State food and drug Inspection Bureau, national health planning Commission issued a circular, calling for the suspension of all batches using kangtai biological production of recombinant hepatitis b vaccine.

According to the State food and Drug Administration's official website announced that, recently, the kangtai biological production of several batches of recombinant hepatitis b vaccine (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) infant after vaccination, in Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan, 4 deaths, cause of death is still under investigation.

In front of the reasons not to investigate, in order to protect children's health, ensure the safety of vaccinations, the State food and drug administration, the principle of supremacy of the national family planning Commission, in the spirit of health life, decided to suspend the use of the company's production of all batches of recombinant hepatitis b vaccine (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and investigations into causes of infant mortality, further inspection on drug manufacturers, to test vaccine product quality.

 Guangdong or temporary shortfall of hepatitis b vaccine

According to Wei in Shenzhen City Human Rights Commission said, after receiving the notice, the Commission immediately asked the CDC informed the Shenzhen City, Shenzhen kangtai biological production of suspended vaccination vaccinated all batches of recombinant hepatitis b vaccine.

Because of the hepatitis b vaccine is a vaccine, unified procurement and supply from Guangdong Province, Shenzhen kangtai biological production currently in use of the hepatitis b vaccine, hepatitis b vaccine should be dedicated to other companies to ensure that hepatitis b vaccine supply in Shenzhen. During the allocation period, there may be a temporary shortfall in vaccine supply. Hepatitis b vaccine on the general population was postponed, does not affect the effectiveness of hepatitis b vaccine, but the mother is HBsAg-positive newborns, giving priority to ensure its timely vaccination within 24 hours after birth.

Lines in Guangzhou

Guangzhou had already stopped playing a kind of hepatitis b vaccine

"2 days in advance, we have the kangtai company produced of all batches of the hepatitis b vaccine storage, a total of 31,500. "Yesterday, the Guangzhou Center for disease control Director, Ms Rosanna Wong said in an interview with a reporter, after previously sealed 3,410 suspected problem batches of vaccine, also deactivated, sealed up all batches of the company's hepatitis b vaccine, a total of 31,500, class of hepatitis b vaccination in Guangzhou to pause, back after a rebidding. Guangzhou not currently receiving serious adverse reactions reported after injection of the vaccine.

Ms Rosanna Wong said, because before Guangzhou Shenzhen kangtai biological products Corporation-hepatitis b vaccine, as a planned immunization program to provide children with free seedlings of the kind, this sealed also means to suspend hepatitis b vaccine inoculation of the kind recently in Guangzhou.

 Public awaits you at class II vaccinations

Hepatitis b vaccine is a national requirement of vaccinations. Finish three vaccinations, respectively, at the time the child was born in January, the age, June-containing.

"If the mother is hepatitis b positive, the child needs immediate immunization with hepatitis b vaccine at birth, optional alternative against two types of hepatitis b vaccine. "Ms Rosanna Wong said because kangtai hepatitis b vaccine suspended from use, members of the public may be selected corresponding to the two types of hepatitis b vaccine, but need to spend a certain amount of their own costs.

"Apart from the hepatitis b vaccine birth infants require immediate, other needle time delay hepatitis b vaccine can be. "Dr Rosanna WONG did not reveal when to resume a class of hepatitis b vaccination, other than to say:" the sector is in full swing arrangements, I believe will soon be restored. ”

 Dialogue Ms Rosanna WONG

Middle of a hepatitis b vaccine-for brand impact

The new bulletin: does that mean that the city has no category of free hepatitis b vaccine to fight?

Ms Rosanna WONG (Director of the Guangzhou Center for disease control): temporarily.

Express News: when will resume vaccinations work?

Ms Rosanna WONG: a type of hepatitis b vaccine is also waiting for the notification, I believe will get well soon. If necessary, people can focus the second type of hepatitis b vaccine, but at their own expense.

The new bulletin: vaccination schedule, now suspended vaccinations for children whether the body will be affected?

Ms Rosanna WONG: hepatitis b vaccine postponed for a few days, had no effect on inoculation effect, parents can rest assured. However, after HBV positive mothers after giving birth to a child, for the prevention of mother to child transmission of children, should be vaccinated within 24 hours, it is recommended that this case will be selected against two types of hepatitis b vaccine immediately.

The new bulletin: have one or two pins kangtai hepatitis b vaccinations, then replacement of inoculating other brands on a child's body will be affected?

Ms Rosanna WONG: General, best case scenario is indeed even three-shot hepatitis b vaccine products from the same company. But because of the choices of antigenicity, hepatitis b vaccine virus strains, fabrication process is basically the same, other needle replacement brands would not have a problem.

Guangzhou no hepatitis b vaccine adverse reactions

Express News: at present, Guangzhou received kangtai company's hepatitis b vaccination adverse reactions reporting?

Ms Rosanna WONG: it is understood that Guangzhou has received no vaccination currently kangtai biological products Corporation-hepatitis b vaccine after reports of serious adverse reactions.

The new bulletin: adverse reactions if the delay performance?

Ms Rosanna WONG: a general vaccination adverse reactions occur in half an hour, at the latest within one week. Parents can watch their kids vaccinated, and if the child had a high fever, symptoms of the nervous system, and so on should be timely registration, take their children to the community hospital for medical treatment. At present, all vaccine adverse events to have uniform registration.

The new bulletin: that is, if no adverse effects after a week, after which do not appear?

Ms Rosanna WONG: typically this is the case. But it's not absolute.

(Edit: SN091)
December 22, 2013 Golden Goat excursions, Express News


  ■新快报记者 郑雁虹 黎秋玲






















































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