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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/22 18:50:03 Edit(编辑)
Beijing Olympic Park “black camera“ will be subject to high punishments

Beijing Olympic Park “black camera“ will be subject to high punishments(北京奥林匹克公园“黑照相”将受高限处罚)

Beijing Olympic Park "black camera" will be subject to high punishments | | photography | punishment _ Bell peak Park news

Legal evening news (reporter Xie Lu) seemed impossible to irradicate "black camera" is expected to withdraw from the Olympic Park. News yesterday from the Administrative Committee was informed that the requested CMC Watch man twice an hour uninterrupted inspections once found someone holding a group photo of the bird's nest, water cube sample casual showmanship, such as pictures, for which high penalties.

Olympic Park since its opening, many unlicensed tour operators selling phony memorabilia, photographs and even high prices forced consumption, disputes have occurred. "The tourists any slightly, gently scolded, beat, and 5 a-class scenic area does not match the identity. "Park officials said.

According to reports, Watch man found swimming without a license in the future Chamber of Commerce have actively discouraged, refused to listen, and the urban management enforcement team will impose high fines after evidence, transfer who do not cooperate with law enforcement authorities. At the same time, formal photo booth fees should be clearly marked, and issuing service vouchers giving photo booth number, content services, and the corresponding fee for tourists to take pictures again. Violation photo booth will be given demerit points, fines, punishments such as closed for remodeling until the check and return. Reporter the morning call CMC asked about specific penalties, the other not specified.

December 21, 2013 Legal evening news

  法制晚报讯(记者 谢璐)屡禁不绝的“黑照相”有望从奥林匹克公园撤离。记者昨天从园区管委会获悉,即日起管委会值守人员将每小时两次不间断巡查,一旦发现有人持有鸟巢、水立方合照等样片随意揽客拍照,将对其高限处罚。




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