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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/21 23:22:40 Edit(编辑)
2013,10 network terms came out: “China Lady“ lead,

2013,10 network terms came out: “China Lady“ lead,(2013十大网络用语出炉:“中国大妈”领跑,)

20,130 network terms came out: "China Lady" lead network-x term, network terminology, China Street, up posture, counting 2013-IT of Chinese information 20,130 network terms came out: "China Lady" lead

National language resources monitoring and research network, jointly organized by the Media Center, commercial press, China network television "in Chinese inventory 2013" in Beijing recently announced. Expert selection, positive energy and domestic character, Word of the year respectively.

In addition to Word, Word of the year 2013 "top ten network terms" released at the same time, the vivid image of Chinese is the language of the network life. "Top ten network terms" by the national language resources monitoring and research network media center based on the dynamic circulating corpus size, use of language information processing technology, monitor corpus based on data on this year's favorite words, new words, network analysis, synthesis, extraction of terms.

1. China Lady

A synonym for groups. This group represents the current fiscal awareness, a keen investment demand, China did not have the professional quality of some consumers. "China Lady" has led the international purchasing power of gold gold is extending its biggest one-day gain in 2013. However, international prices at the end of a new 5-month low, investment into speculation and opportunities encountered.

2. the high-end atmosphere on the grade

The term is derived from the movie, after 2013 appear frequently in various networks, entertainment, described things tasteful, grades, and occasionally also make ironic use, referred to as "tall". And understated luxury that corresponds with the content and so on.

3. where is Dad

This is a parent-child interaction Hunan 2013 year name of a reality TV show, its original model for Korea MBC TV dad! Where are we going? , Celebrity fathers with their children to remote villages or more hostile environments to survive for several days, through their experience with the process. Normal family activities in front of HD camcorder shows and entertainment, TV madness began robbing of snatch star resources can bring high ratings and press "Star II".

4. little friends are shocked

In June 2013, someone uploaded a screenshot narrates the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival primary school composition becomes famous online, saying, "my friends and I were stunned" buzzwords as networks spread rapidly, become a hot topic within a short time. "My friends and I were stunned" and "friends are shocked," expressing surprise and irony.

5. my long hair and low

"My long hair and low" according to examination from fans of romance novels of the Decade wore on, "my long hair and low juvenile marry me right. Your hair through commanding, and ten wore ". Poetry is about love, love, friends take advantage of creativity and make a sentence: "my long hair and low, the word is fattening for you", "my long hair and waist, how to MOP the floor" ... ... Hilarious sentences "to be my long hair and low" full of humor and comedy, dispelling initial sincerity and poetic.

6. Big Dipper-Ben

Networking terminology, is "popular taste, and satisfy, and celebrated, and run around spreading the news" short forms. In news writing in the past often appears as a stylized narrative, meant to be exaggerated, said something to make everyone happy, and we want to share and inform each other. At present, the netizens are in heavy use, also contain nature of schadenfreude.

7. the female man

Woman man refers to the General conduct and character class of women moved closer to the men. In the workplace, women men are not spoiled, careless, Yixing Yuan fine, fraternizing with boys, export as "dirty", and capable. In life, women men don't like makeup, without the dryer barrel, hand wring dry, playing big games a piece of cake. They had too much independence, self-reliance and forthright man is believed to be a woman should not have the trait.

8. the local despot

"Local despot" below the village with Fortune frequently make two such bullying bad guys. Local tyrant was well known to the Chinese, with land reform and revolution, "local despot, the fields". Network, local despot mean there are no cultural knowledge, with success have no spirit, not the pursuit of wealth, pomp and no content, appearance of people with no soul.

9. booth

This year's Spring Festival evening show, at the sketch you "laugh fruit" Yes, make this phrase quickly became a catch phrase. The so-called "big things," nature would not be a good thing, happy, joy, but rather someone get into weaknesses. A person if the lawlessness, arbitrary practices sooner on a stall, stall event. Therefore, the seizure is a batch of and punishment punishment, catch the catch, the sentence award, for those "things" people deserve punishment.

10. up gesture

"Knowledge" euphony, a dragon who long exposure, an eye-opener. At first, rose poses for see novelty, often refers to the opposite of good, used to represent the surprised tone of voice, a small spread between friends, commonly understood to gain knowledge or after their surprise modest exaggeration.


2013十大网络用语出炉:“中国大妈”领跑 - 十大网络用语,网络用语,中国大妈,涨姿势,汉语盘点2013 - IT资讯
























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