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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/17 15:44:10 Edit(编辑)
Yang Weidong Li Guoqiang-Secretary-General of the Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress

Yang Weidong Li Guoqiang-Secretary-General of the Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress(杨蔚东李国强任天津市人大常委会副秘书长)

Yang Weidong Li Guoqiang of the Deputy Secretary-General of the Tianjin Municipal People's Congress _ | | | Li Guoqiang, Deputy Secretary General of the Standing Committee News

China News Agency, Tianjin, December 17 (Xinhua Zhang Daozheng) Tianjin 16th session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress adopted at the sixth session on December 16, 2013: Yang Weidong, and LEE Kwok Keung appointed as Deputy Secretary-General of the Tianjin Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee. Save Liu Huabin, Yu Jingwen Tianjin Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee Deputy Secretary-General.

Yang Weidong, male, of Han nationality, born in July 1959, Meizhou, Guangdong people, members of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment, career in July 1976, full-time master's degree, master's degree in economics, Senior Economist, former Deputy Chairman of the Tianjin Chamber of Commerce and industry professional, currently Deputy Secretary-General of the Tianjin Municipal People's Congress (Council).

Li Guoqiang, male, of Han nationality, born in August 1969, people in Tianjin in December 1992, joined the Communist Party of China, went to work in July 1991, full-time, on-the-job postgraduate university degree, master of Economics, senior administration engineer, former Deputy Director of the Research Office of the Tianjin Municipal Committee, currently Deputy Secretary-General of the Tianjin Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee (Bureau). (End text)

(Original title: Yang Weidong, Li Guoqiang of the Tianjin Municipal People's Congress Deputy Secretary General)

(Edit: SN095)
December 17, 2013 China News Network

  中新社天津12月17日电 (记者 张道正)2013年12月16日天津市第十六届人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议通过:任命杨蔚东、李国强为天津市人民代表大会常务委员会副秘书长。免去刘华斌、于景文的天津市人民代表大会常务委员会副秘书长职务。





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