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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/17 15:42:48 Edit(编辑)
The Ministry of water resources: dam safety to local chief executive responsibility for the core

The Ministry of water resources: dam safety to local chief executive responsibility for the core(水利部:大坝安全以地方行政首长负责制为核心)

The Ministry of water resources: dam safety with the heads of local administrative responsibility for core dam _ | | Security Ministry | news

News December 17, according to the Ministry's website, the Ministry of water resources recently issued an emergency notice on further strengthening the safety management in hydropower station, calls for the establishment of local government executive responsibility for the core of a hydroelectric dam safety responsibility system, according to affiliation, by implementing similar Government responsible, competent and management unit responsible person.

The notice requirement, graded according to the principle of responsibility around, hang on to organize their hydropower station under construction and has built safety hazard investigation. Risks and problems of the investigation found, seize the supervision, guidance related to seriously analyze the reasons, according to the nature and type of the problem and to develop practical and targeted measures, the rectification is in place to ensure that investigation work to achieve tangible results. In all localities and units on the basis of a comprehensive investigation, the Ministry would, in due course sent a special inspection unit, to focus the investigation work samples.

The circular clear, all over the code for those in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and procedures, further establish and improve the building and has built hydroelectric power station safety management rules and regulations. Implementation of and participation in safety in production responsibility system of hydropower station under construction, strict enforcement of construction site safety regulations measures to ensure work safety, "three simultaneous" and in full safety requirements in place, increase the intensity of major hazard identification and critical troubleshooting, strengthen the training of site personnel safety knowledge, improve work safety accident emergency rescue plans, ensuring construction site safety. Works to further establish and perfect the management mechanism for the effective implementation of field inspection, security, monitoring, maintenance, emergency duty, the operation management system, to further improve the hydropower station scheduling procedures, and develop contingency plans to achieve full coverage of the safety management system to ensure that hydropower station safety management rules.

The circular stressed that all relevant units under the Water Act, the law on flood control, the flood prevention Ordinance, and the dam safety management regulations and other laws and regulations provides that full establishment and implementation of the responsibility system for dam safety of hydropower stations. Dam safety responsibility system of accountability to the local Government Chief Executives Board as the core, by affiliation, on a person, the competent authorities responsible for implementation of similar government responsibility and management unit responsible; building or reinforcement of ongoing hydropower station project construction must be clear of those responsible. All kinds of responsible people need to clarify specific responsibilities, implementation of the accountability system, and in an appropriate manner to the public, ensure that security responsibilities without leaving a blank, without leaving any dead ends.

The circular pointed out that all localities and units to earnestly implement the Government Executive responsibility for dam safety management responsibility system on the basis of the core, strengthening the safe operation of the safeguards. To strictly impoundment management, correctly processing good Hing Lee and security of relationship, shall not due to pursuit statistics and blind elevation storage water level; built or reinforcement project must through acceptance to inputs impoundment run, reservoir capacity 10 million cubic meters above of hydropower station impoundment acceptance Qian needed for impoundment security identification, staging impoundment of hydropower station needed for staging impoundment acceptance, and strictly according to limit water level control using, strongly put an end to violation Super storage phenomenon occurred; recently inputs run early impoundment of hydropower station, to according to provides points stage impoundment, Monitoring frequency and encryption, follow closely the health of dams and other major buildings; insurance ill to strictly control the water level operation of hydropower stations. Pay great attention to the safety of flood control in hydropower station under construction, adjusted to the brake reservoir hydropower station under the flood, design units to fully argue that stringent adjustment programmes raised and flood prevention programmes, and as a significant design changes implemented after the approval of the approving authorities. To improve safety management for hydropower station emergency plans and personnel transfer flight programmes, strengthen the monitoring of water and rainfall regime forecast and early warning, improve emergency response capacity. To enforce a dispatch order, in accordance with the approved application plan, schedule, rules for operation. To implement hydropower station rescue teams and material reserve, prepared for emergency works to ensure safe operation of hydroelectric power station.

The notice requirement, all localities and units to a specific sound hydropower station accident reporting system. Local water conservancy administrative departments at all levels, we need to take up the monitoring responsibility, report major problems to the local people's Government, Government support and other related sectors, ensure smooth implementation of security management in hydropower station. Major hazards, dam and other major incidents, hydropower station management units and departments must report immediately to the affected areas and water conservancy administrative departments and local people's Governments at or above the county level, provincial water conservancy administrative departments within 2 hours of the accident reported that the Ministry of water resources.

(Original title: water: dam safety responsibility system with the heads of local administrative responsibility for core)

(Edit: SN091)
December 17, 2013 China News Network

  中新网12月17日电 据水利部网站消息,水利部近日印发《关于进一步加强水电站安全管理工作的紧急通知》,要求建立以地方政府行政首长负责制为核心的水电站大坝安全责任制,按照隶属关系,逐座落实同级政府责任人、主管部门责任人和管理单位责任人。








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