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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/17 15:42:42 Edit(编辑)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Kim Jong-Il contributed significantly to the development of Sino-Korean relations

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Kim Jong-Il contributed significantly to the development of Sino-Korean relations(外交部:金正日为中朝关系发展作出重要贡献)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Kim Jong Il made an important contribution to the development of Sino-Korean relations | | | foreign _ Kim Jong Il news

December 17, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying 17th regular press, just between North Korea and Japan Government unveils three defense documents, on Commerce and trade meeting of the Joint Commission, answering a reporter's question.

  Following is a question and answer session released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website record:

  Hua Chunying first releases:

His Chinese counterpart XI Jinping invite, multinational Bolivia President Huan·AIWO·molalaisi·AIMA will be December 19 State visit to China.

  Q: first of all, North Korea was held here today to commemorate the second anniversary of the death of former Supreme leader Kim Jong-Il Central Memorial meeting. Whether the Chinese side participated in the activities mentioned above? Secondly, North Korea's supreme leader Kim Jong-UN has been in power for two years. China comment on current Sino-North Korean relations?

A: General Secretary Kim Jong Il has made an important contribution to the development of Sino-Korean relations. Maintaining healthy and stable development of Sino-North Korean relations, in line with the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also conducive to safeguarding regional peace, stability and development. China will continue to push forward the healthy and stable development of Sino-Korean relations, for the maintenance of peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and in the region and make positive efforts.

As far as I know, Chinese Ambassador to the DPRK and DPRK envoys of other countries to attend relevant commemorative activities to be held in Pyongyang.

  问: Japan's Abe Cabinet 今天 Formally adopted a national security strategy, the new national defense program outline and the medium-term defence forces construction plans. China's comment on this?

A: Japan in the field of military security policy is a matter of Japan national trend affecting regional security environment, has won the Asian neighbors and the international community attached great importance. Link to Japan domestic emerging negative trends on the history issue, Asian countries, including China and the international community cannot fail to Japan about trends attach great importance to and vigilant. We urge the Japanese side to face up to and seriously reflect on history, conform to the trend of peaceful development and win-win cooperation, respect for the country's legitimate security concerns, taking the road of peaceful development. We also hope that Japan do not put peace only in words, but real to be translated into concrete action, to maintain peace and stability in the region to play a constructive role.

  问: The 24th meeting of the Sino-US Joint Commission on Commerce will be held this week. China looks forward to the Conference?

A: China has released a few days before the relevant messages. Agreed to by both sides, the 24th meeting of the Sino-US Joint Commission on Commerce will be held in Beijing on December 19. Chinese Vice-Premier Wang will work with United States Secretary of Commerce Pritzker Frohman, trade representatives, co-chaired the meeting.

Sino-US Joint Commission on Commerce is the Government in economic and trade fields between China and one of the first high-level dialogue mechanism, over the past 30 years for the expansion of bilateral economic and trade cooperation, the maintenance of stable development of Sino-US economic and trade relations have played an irreplaceable important role. The Chinese side attaches great importance to the meetings of the Joint Commission on Commerce and, both sides will review on the basis of the outcome of the last session of the Joint Commission, exchanging views on important economic and trade issues of respective concern and explore ways to expand mutually beneficial cooperation. China hopes that the US side ease restrictions on overseas Chinese high-tech products export control policy and fair treatment of Chinese enterprises to invest in the United States to take practical measures such as cooperation, strengthening of intellectual property protection, working together with the Chinese side, expand common interests, enrich connotation of Sino-American new power relations, constantly to create a new phase of Sino-US economic and trade cooperation.

(Original title: towards relationships, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan unveils a new defence files and question and answer session)

(Edit: SN095)
December 17, 2013 China News Network

  中新网12月17日电 外交部发言人华春莹17日主持例行记者会,就中朝关系、日本政府出台三大防卫文件、中美商贸联委会会议等答记者问。














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