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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/17 15:42:39 Edit(编辑)
The Academy released the blue book for public services, Lhasa, scored the highest

The Academy released the blue book for public services, Lhasa, scored the highest(社科院发布《公共服务蓝皮书》,拉萨得分最高)

Academy released the blue book top scores in Lhasa public service public service | | | satisfaction _ the blue books News

Today, the CASS Marxism Academy, Hua Tuzheng Joint Institute for public management, social science documentation publishing house published in 2013, the blue book of public service. Blue book with nearly 20,000 questionnaires, medical and health, public housing, public transportation, public security, social security, urban employment, basic education, environment, culture, sports, public service 9, 38 of basic public services in major cities across the country to conduct a comprehensive assessment and in-depth study.

9 elements in the blue book of basic public service survey, Beijing's "public satisfaction", "medical and health satisfaction", "culture and sport satisfaction" entered the national top ten in three minutes, "public satisfaction" ranked fourth, another two ranked fifth.

Air pollution issues of concern for the country, blue book survey revealed that 31.2% per cent of respondents were dissatisfied with air quality, satisfaction survey on air quality of 34.81%, 33.99% of respondents said air quality in General.

  Keyword services

Public services satisfaction top scores in Lhasa

Blue book noted that scientific calculation of survey data by 2013, China's 38 major cities top ten essential public service satisfaction evaluation respectively, Lhasa, Haikou, Xiamen, Nanjing, Ningbo, Qingdao, Changchun, Hangzhou, Changsha, Xining. Among them, the highest score in Lhasa. Blue book data show that in 2013, the overall satisfaction of public service: 58.71 min, compared to 2011 has improved significantly, but with lower overall satisfaction with public services. Indicated in the excessive concentration of population, insufficient bearing capacity of city public service context of limited resources, public service encounter bottlenecks in Chinese cities. From the perspective of improving public services, as requested by the 18 plenary session, "reasonably determine the conditions settled in big cities, strictly control the size of mega-cities population", achieving a gradient of urbanization strategy, it is imperative to control the population of big cities and mega-cities.

  Key words people's livelihood

People are most concerned about medical transport, housing insurance

Blue book data show that in 2013, public transport, public health, housing, social security public awareness of employment 4 top four, in which elements of health attention 9 elements attention first. Health care and public housing has mass awareness for three consecutive years the top three.

Blue book said that in 2013 the major city traffic congestion levels remain high, has increased slightly. 2013 people in 83.92% of feeling stuck in 2012 people feel stuck.

Through questionnaire survey in 38 cities across the country, 16.51% said they are blocking; 39.03% who is blocked, but can take mere 3.9% said city public transport is smoothly.

Public transport most convenient 10 followed by the city, Haikou, Zhuhai, Lhasa, yinchuan, Xining, Changsha, Chengdu, Xiamen, Nanjing, Harbin. Zhengzhou, Guiyang, Jinan, Urumqi, Kunming and other cities in the bottom.

  Key words housing

Public housing, satisfied only 53.61 points

2013 public satisfaction for public housing, only 53.61 points.

Questionnaires showed that 22.16% believe this city House prices adjustment has no effect on House prices are still rising rapidly, only 1.54% per cent of respondents felt that the price regulation of the city is influenced, house prices have fallen a lot.

59.57% per cent of respondents believe that the Government's macro-economic control has impact on prices, but only 15% per cent of people think that prices have dropped, 40% per cent of respondents consider impact of price regulation is to control the excessive growth of home prices.

Blue book noted that price lease loopholes in the supervision, more than 50% people think that regulation is not in place, said they had experienced Leasing traps.

  Keywords in a cab

Beijing taxi after the price adjustment must be alleviated

Survey shows that nationwide, a taxi difficult situation worsened, more and more time in a cab. In 2013, wait ten minutes or more, 68.6%, this figure is only 53.77%. Beijing taxi price elastic adjustment system, received some relief in a cab, his rank rose from 28 to 15. Take a taxi the easiest order of the 10 cities are Tianjin, Shanghai and Lhasa, Shenzhen, Dalian, Nanjing, Qingdao, Changsha, yinchuan and Nanchang.

Blue book, also suggests that black car phenomenon is common throughout the country. Black car problem is lesser order of the top 10 cities, Lhasa and Xining, Changchun, Qingdao, Chengdu, Haikou, Hangzhou, Harbin, Ningbo, Nanchang.

In addition, the blue book survey, Lhasa public security the greatest public worry about higher than fraud, theft, robbery and sexual harassment was followed.

  The blue book

Food safety

Food security approach in Harbin, 63.94 points. Very worried about food safety in the people as a proportion of respondents 9.33%, someone who is more worried about 38.48%, for food safety more comfortable than a mere 2.35% of respondents.

 Chinese-style crossing

Nearly 20,000 respondents, only 7.62% people are not Chinese-style across the road. Nearly half the people said, cross the road without looking at traffic lights "often have a" 21% said this "very popular", nearly 23% say occasional such act of jaywalking.

  Information disclosure

21.25% said they often encounter information disclosure, 50.46% per cent of respondents said they would occasionally encounter information disclosure, only 28.3% of the information has not been disclosed to the public. Serious problem of personal information disclosure, personal information security needs to be strengthened.

  Old-age insurance

51.81% per cent of respondents believe that the city's old-age insurance coverage, 57.64% vote for the old-age insurance reimbursements complex, 31.71% of respondents dissatisfied with the pension services, 22.44% of respondents satisfied with their service. Service levels needs to be improved.

Our reporter Li Li

(Original title: "public satisfaction" Beijing top)

December 17, 2013 Beijing evening news
社科院发布《公共服务蓝皮书》 拉萨得分最高|公共服务|蓝皮书|满意度_新闻资讯




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  本报记者 李莉



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