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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/17 15:42:33 Edit(编辑)
Suzhou was stabbed to death by residents 2 arrests, prosecution Bureau

Suzhou was stabbed to death by residents 2 arrests, prosecution Bureau(苏州被拆迁居民刺死2人被捕,将起诉公安局)

Suzhou was fatally stabbed and 2 by residents sued the Public Security Bureau arrested (AP) murder suspects | | | Suzhou _ news

CNS, Suzhou, December 17 (reporter Zhou Jianlin)-reporters learned from the Suzhou Police today, on December 16, with the approval of the people's Procuratorate of the whole municipality includes water, of the whole municipality includes water area public Security Bureau for allegedly stirring up fights and crimes a Wu, Qi Mou, Sun 6 persons carrying out arrests suspected of intentional injury crime fan arrests.

According to Liu Xiaoyuan, a lawyer said in Twitter, Fan Mugen administrative complaint was signed a few days ago, suing the Suzhou municipal Bureau of Tiger branch offences assigned to auxiliary police officers from the police, the indictment was 17th by the lawyers submitted to the Court of the whole municipality includes water.

At noon on December 3, 2013, huqiu, Suzhou, Tong murder took place in a doorstep by residents of the town, resulting in 2 deaths, such as Liu, head of a demolition company, several people were injured, the case quickly lead to social concerns.

On December 4, the official informed the fan on suspicion of intentional injury crime criminal detention by law enforcement; the other party apart from the deceased Liu an, a 6 man on suspicion of stirring up fights and was detained according to law.

The case is under further investigation. (End text)

(Original title: demolition and murder suspects arrested by the approval of Suzhou)

(Edit: SN091)
December 17, 2013 China News Network
苏州被拆迁居民刺死2人被捕 将起诉公安局(图)|犯罪嫌疑人|苏州|命案_新闻资讯

  中新网苏州12月17日电(周建琳) 记者今天从苏州警方获悉,12月16日,经虎丘区人民检察院批准,虎丘区公安分局对涉嫌寻衅滋事罪的吴某、戚某、孙某等6人执行逮捕,对涉嫌故意伤害罪的范某执行逮捕。







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