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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/17 8:34:49 Edit(编辑)
APP after the second exposure, why did you uninstall it? ,

APP after the second exposure, why did you uninstall it? ,(APP二次曝光后,你为什么卸载了它?,)

APP after the second exposure, why did you uninstall it?
-App application-IT information APP after the second exposure, why did you uninstall it?

We're used to finding application known as the first user from the app store exposure, first opened on the user's mobile device app called double exposure. While entering the user mobile app provides a good opportunity, but there are a lot of app it is difficult to avoid the fate of deleted by user, significant portions of the application are to be deleted at a time.

For developers, it's really frustrating, do not have access to authorized users on the one hand, on the other hand is that the user has thus cutting off the developer's revenue sources. To this end, we conducted a survey on user-specific--say delete three reasons! Below is a list of seven reasons:

7. force users to use social networking account log in

Social networking account register is a double-edged sword. For developers, social networking account landing is a good choice, you can easily access to users ' personal information, and allows users to bypass the lengthy registration process, but is the result of app has landed as the only social means of authentication. There is no doubt that not everyone likes this way, the best way is to put social networking account login register as one of the options.

6. privacy issues

Users don't like the developers "went out" his or her personal information, and sometimes, developers will even seek user information outside of the app features, such as a flashlight app wants to access a user's phone book.

5. the invasion of advertising

Full screen video advertising is the mobile app development and one of the seven deadly sins, as feedback to such behavior, quite a lot of users will choose to immediately remove a game/application. The free app developers, advertising they need to sustain their livelihoods, but allows advertisers to a carefully designed and non-invasion shows.

4. bad UI/UX

One might think that as long as the game is fun, the user does not delete the app because of UI/UX bad. But the fact is 42% users say they are deleted because of bad UI/UX. Although the developers cannot have superstar designer's skill level, but also to ensure that the layout and function of minimum standards. Crappy fonts, colors, and illegible icon allows the user to select other alternatives.

3. crash splash back or loads too slowly

They crash splash back or loading are too lazy to delete the app then common, however, need to restart the application to normal use application lets users really are frustrated. Similarly, the app uses too much device memory and slowing down other applications is also annoying, will also allow users to easily delete the app. The reasons are more likely to be users of mouth, resulting in their leave a bad review or share with others on social networking sites.

2. the registration process too complicated

68% survey of users said they don't delete app for the lengthy registration process, which is worse, they did not find the advantages of the application. Users can then after the download is complete, actually using the app, and unnecessarily complicated registration process is undoubtedly a prominent obstacle. User information that makes it easier to save user information and data back to you, but make sure you don't use a complex registration process scaring users, after all, is not easy to get a download.

1. too much notice

Even good intentions informed, but too many times will also allow users to drag. Even if users can easily turn it off, most people do not want to browse the menu screen to find that little check-box. So make sure you notice absolutely useful, it is best to test when and where to send notifications to the user, what kind of content is sent, and who is sent.

The polling data shows

To sum up, survival is not to irritate the users of the app. A good user experience, lightweight applications and ensure that applications could stay on the user's mobile device for a period of time ... These can help you better understand users, there is always practical and optimized app.


APP二次曝光后,你为什么卸载了它? - app,应用程序 - IT资讯




















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