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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/16 0:44:34 Edit(编辑)
Sichuan “separate second child“ programme has been drafted, generally second won’t let go

Sichuan “separate second child“ programme has been drafted, generally second won’t let go(四川“单独二胎”已起草方案,普遍二胎不会放开)

Sichuan "kids alone" generally second drafts will not allow | second | | family planning _ population news

Huaxi City newspaper: 18 of the third plenary session of the party of the decision made "kids alone" policy, throughout the policy from a full schedule to be ordinary people are most concerned about the issue-population province of Sichuan, will be how to combine the implementation of the "second alone" policy? Yesterday, Director of the provincial population and family planning Commission said Yao Yixian, Sichuan or in the first half of next year are expected to be let go "single kids."

"Kids alone" when can perform in Sichuan? Do you want to implement early next year? Can you give us a timetable? …… Yesterday morning, the provincial population and family planning Commission to visit official website of the provincial government "online interview" section, a "kids alone" policy when he can let go of the problem in Sichuan, as users are most concerned about the topic.

  "Kids alone" when to let go? "As early as the first half of next year will be carried out"

  "I want to work in accordance with our current process first will be carried out for the first half of next year", most of my friends ask questions, Director of the provincial population and family planning Commission Yao Yixian gives the answer. 18 City, 126 counties across the province through the sampling of the 150,000 people of reproductive age, the Sichuan provincial population and family planning regulations legislative assessments and listen to others advice, the current provincial population and family planning Commission has basically formed a fertility policy improvement proposals across the province.

"The provincial population and family planning Commission has been brought to the provincial government, the Sichuan provincial population and family planning regulations (amendments) included in the legislative plan for 2014", Yao Yixian said, "because the implementation of a separate second policy involves the modification of regulations, there are strict legal procedures must be in accordance with statutory procedures. "He said the provincial people's Congress Standing Committee to the Sichuan provincial population and family planning regulations as amended, organizations according to law.

There was general concern "second child alone" policy objects define the problem, said Yao Yixian national health family planning Commission has not yet issued the policy explained, "the provincial people's Congress to the Sichuan provincial population and family planning regulations as amended, we will inform the public in a timely manner including a separate object defines the terms of the second policy and specific policies. ”

  Universal second child can let go? "My province decide won't let go now second. ”

  "Kids alone" policy has been raised, in the context of this policy, could allow the release of Sichuan birth kids? Netizens to Yao Yixian asked. Yao Yixian said, would not let go of second births within a short time. "First of all is the central requirement", introduce Yao Yixian, adjustment improve the family planning policy is a long-term process step by step. Followed by Yao Yixian to Guangdong Province decided now will not let go of birth second. "The ' 2020 with national synchronization to build a well-off society ' goals are important indicators of the province's per capita GDP and per capita income of urban and rural residents to catch up with the national level that year. As a populous province, Sichuan province, ' population, weak, uneven, underdeveloped ' basic province there is no fundamental changes, demographic factors to socio-economic, resource and environment bottlenecks, constraints remain. "While Yao Yixian pointed out that Sichuan is the country's family planning policy implemented one of the most restrictive of the six provinces, fertility rebounded under enormous pressure. If at this stage, the implementation of universal second child policy in the short term would cause large swings in the province's birth scene is more severe accumulation of birth, put great strain on essential public services. Experts ' opinions

Sichuan long low fertility "separate second child may"

  Province total fertility rate of the population remained at a relatively low level

  Since the promotion of family planning, I have fewer population of more than 40 million, ahead of a historic change of population reproduction pattern from "high birth and slow death, high growth" into a "low growth, low mortality and low birth", effectively alleviate the population pressure on resources, the environment, and vigorously promoted economic development and social progress.

"But I'm now provincial total fertility rate is about 1.72 to meet the population replacement level of fertility should be 2.1. "Yao Yixian said, since in the 1990 of the 20th century, the province total fertility rates remain at a relatively low level, with moderate improvement of reproductive policy and realistic basis," If the total fertility rate term is below the population replacement level of 2.1, would not be conducive to long-term balanced population growth. ”

 Population structure proportion of the elderly population in Jiangxi province above the national level in the same period

  Secondly, the growing structural needs of the population in Sichuan "second child alone" policy to let the pace of speed, "the province's proportion of the working-age population by 2010 fell to 2012 per cent, below the national average almost two percentage points proportion of population aged 65 and over in the province climbed to 2012 from 2010, higher than the national level of 2.4% per cent. "Is worth noting, the sex ratio at birth in our province also deviate from the normal 102-107 field" in 2012 is 109,2011 year was 111. ”

  Family size per household in our province and 2.95 less than the fifth population census of 0.37 people

  The sixth population census data show that household 2.95 people in our province, up 3.32 of the 2000 national census, a decrease of 0.37 people, one-child families reach 11.07 million households. Family size reduced, weakening family support for the elderly features, respond to social risks increasingly are reduced, said Yao Yixian, the "second child alone" policy release helps to alleviate these problems. Hot concern

  Policies fall pregnant before, born after policy implementation

"Super pregnant" reproduction is still illegal

Many users are concerned about, "policy fall pregnant before, policy implementation after the baby is born to do? "For catching up on policy before the release of pregnancy" super women ", Zhao Yonghong, Director of the provincial population and family planning Commission of political science and Law Department explains," the kids alone "policy before the implementation, incompatible with the Sichuan provincial population and family planning regulations before they reproduce conditions, pregnancy and childbirth are among the violations of the laws and regulations of the birth.

Zhao Yonghong reminded, in line with the second child policy couples alone at the provincial people's Congress or its Standing Committee on amendments to the Sichuan provincial population and family planning after the Ordinance or the rules, according to their families, such as age and health conditions in accordance with the application before they reproduce.

Additionally Zhao Yonghong, for implementation of the "second child alone" policy, how to increase to one-child families incentives to help provincial population and family planning Commission to proceed with the study, will be promulgated after approval in accordance with the relevant procedures. Extended attention to the proposals have been drafted, "two kids alone" as soon as possible

This huaxi City newspaper (reporters Liu Chunmei) provincial population and family planning Commission Director Yao Yixian, the current provincial population and family planning Commission has drafted a proposal, basically formed the province's fertility policy improvement proposals.

Yao Yixian said, involves the regulation of strict legal procedures. Current provincial population and family planning Commission has been brought to the provincial government, the Sichuan provincial population and family planning regulations (Amendment) included in the legislative plan for 2014, the next report will strengthen coordination, accelerate the process of policies, strive to separate the two-child policy implementation as soon as possible. Two-child policy objects define the problem alone, National Planning Commission have yet to enact policies explained.

Yao Yixian says, the provincial people's Congress amended the Sichuan provincial population and family planning regulations, will be made public in a timely manner, including in a separate two-child policy objects defined for specific policies.

  Implementation of the "second alone" will prevent birth rally

Separate second release would caused a population explosion? Additional population will cause all kinds of resource constraints? A Netizen named "Plato" he was very concerned about the issues raised. "Preventing growth rebounded sharply to defuse maternity short-stacked," said Yao Yixian, family planning department and relevant departments attach great importance to risk control, taking practical measures to prevent implementation of the "second child alone" fertility policy and the possibility of real risk.

Yao Yixian stresses, adjust the sound family planning policy does not mean relaxing family planning work. "Preventing growth rebounded sharply, is to adhere to the basic State policy of family planning does not waver, we will continue to adhere to party and Government leaders responsible for family planning, continue to implement the family planning vote veto system. Two is to resolve reproductive short-stacked, "Yao Yixian noted that the province will strengthen integrated planning and advocacy in the future to guide and stabilize structural fluctuation of births. In line with the "second child alone" voluntarily without reward

Starting from January 1 this year, I saved one-child parents reward standards no less than 120 Yuan a year for each couple. In line with the two-child policy alone and no longer give birth families on a voluntary basis, will continue to enjoy the rewards of one-child parents family policy. In line with the two-child policy alone and approved before they reproduce, should be returned to the one-child parents receiving birth certificate card of glory, and approval from next month onwards, stop enjoying the rewards and privileges.

This huaxi City newspaper reporter Li Yuanli

(Original title: "kids alone" has generally second drafts will not let go)

December 14, 2013 Sichuan online-huaxi City newspaper
四川“单独二胎”已起草方案 普遍二胎不会放开|二胎|计划生育|人口_新闻资讯














  其次,日益突出的人口结构性问题也需要四川“单独二胎”政策放开的步伐快马加鞭,“全省劳动年龄人口占总人口比例由2010年72.08%降至2012年的72%,低于全国平均水平近两个百分点;全省65岁及以上人口占总人口的比例由2010 年 10.95% 攀升至 2012 年11.80%,高于全国同期水平2.4个百分点。”值得注意的是,我省出生人口性别比也偏离102-107的正常值域,“2012年是109,2011年是111。”




  “超孕”生育 仍属违法违规




  华西都市报讯(记者 刘春梅)省人口计生委主任姚义贤表示,目前省人口计生委已起草了建议方案,基本形成全省生育政策完善建议方案。








(原标题:“单独二胎”已起草方案 普遍二胎不会放开)


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