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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/16 0:42:56 Edit(编辑)
SCUT finds violations, an associate overseas have two kids birth

SCUT finds violations, an associate overseas have two kids birth(华南理工认定国外生二胎副教授违规生育)

SCUT finds foreign second violation, an associate professor of health reproductive | Cai Zhiqi | second | SCUT _ news

Xinhuanet, Guangzhou, December 13 (reporter Zhou Qiang)-South China University Associate Professor Cai Zhiqi, United States universities engaged in research work, wives "Ocean children" one child, another "Ocean child" six months after returning home. Cai Zhiqi recently has been reported to the local family planning departments, the embarrassment of being expelled from school.

On November 19, 2013, South China University of technology College of chemistry and chemical engineering Associate Professor, 4 years of teaching Cai Zhiqi received on Cai Zhiqi, South China University of technology under the sanction of expulsion decisions: "Cai Zhiqi as prepared by the school staff, serious violations of the State family planning policy, hyper-planning the second kid gravity. Guangdong Province on population and family planning regulations, according to the 48th, 55th and the administrative measures on population and family planning in Guangzhou City of South China University of technology Faculty of the provisional regulations on the punishment, after school study decided that Cai Zhiqi sanction of expulsion. ”

"Very shocked and helpless, I've argued, but the school did not adopt. "Cai Zhiqi said in an open letter to students," according to the study abroad staff regulations on fertility issues, ' the couple resided in a foreign country for more than a year studying abroad in childbirth or pregnancy after the birth of the second child in mainland China, after returning to mainland China not to deal with '. ”

"I'm in the United States study as a postdoctoral fellow, home made abroad by the Chinese Consulate in New York proved, as returned by the Guangdong provincial Department of personnel employed, it should meet the requirements defined in fertility" abroad ", and we both lived continuously abroad for more than two years, that provision should be applied. "Cai Zhiqi decided to sue South China University of technology.

South China University of technology a 13th "Site in China," reporters said that before he came to South China University of technology, Cai Zhiqi United States postdoctoral research at Ohio State University. In December 2007, his/her spouse to accompany during giving birth to her first child. In September 2009, Cai Zhiqi to return to school and work. At that time, the spouse was pregnant for six months, in January 2010 and gave birth to a second child.

"Contact Cai Zhiqi, the processing procedures to work before and after school initiative report was not his or her spouse of second births and subsequent pregnancy. "According to the South China University of technology disclosed in November 2012, Tianhe Street neighborhood Committee received five mountain report said Cai Zhiqi violated the family planning policy has given birth to two children. After receiving the relevant authorities informed, school and family planning communication with Cai Zhiqi verified many times, "but he has been unable to provide reproductive second child's birth certificate and related documents".

South China University of technology found that under the reproductive problems under relevant provisions of personnel abroad, Cai Zhiqi couple of continuous residence abroad for more than a year, but the spouse is not identified as students studying abroad (no proof), so does not meet the requirement "not to deal with" preconditions. Its second case of family planning, should be handled in accordance with the family planning policy.

"We had repeatedly sent a letter consultation with the provincial and municipal planning departments, the responses received are super family planning ruled that the Cai Zhiqi couples in violation of regulations. "The owner said, based on the above facts, discussions by the school, according to the Guangdong provincial population and family planning regulations of the 48th and 55th of the population and family planning management in Guangzhou" State organs and institutions, State-owned enterprises and State-holding enterprises, collective enterprises in villages and towns to their one child workers be given the sanction of expulsion or termination of an employment contract ". Cai Zhiqi himself refused to accept recommendations by his call up, or voluntary termination, Cai Zhiqi cancelled.

Meanwhile, South China University of technology, said Cai Zhiqi couples in the United States bear their first child since 2009 so far back to the Mainland of China, had been settled with his parents in mainland China, and South China University affiliated kindergarten, according to People's Republic of China nationality law of the third and fifth, their first child should be of Chinese nationality, must be a Chinese citizen management, "not before media reports that it was United States nationality".

(Edit: SN077)
December 13, 2013 The website











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