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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/16 0:32:33 Edit(编辑)
Allows a company to making flight plans to the Chinese Government, analysts said Japanese position has changed

Allows a company to making flight plans to the Chinese Government, analysts said Japanese position has changed(日允许公司向中方交飞行计划,分析称日立场已变)

Allows a company to making flight plans to the Chinese Government analysis that our position has changed | | airline Korea information _ news |

Beijing times yesterday, Korea-Ministry and the Japan Ministry of land, infrastructure and transport has made statements to allow domestic airlines the freedom to make the individual choice of whether to submit flight plans to the China. But Japan says directed against the Chinese Government set up on the issue of the air defense identification zone, Japan Government will continue to adhere to the "do not recognize" position.


  Companies submit flight plans

Korea-Ministry yesterday allowed Korea to China Airlines after China's air defense identification zone flight plan submitted, to the China Airlines has submitted a flight plan.

Korea Korean Air a relevant workers say the company has submitted to China this afternoon on the same day, after the Chinese air defense identification zone flew to Hong Kong, Bangkok and Taipei, the flight plan of the route. Asiana Airlines also submitted to China on the morning of the departure from Incheon to Chinese air defense identification zone to Taipei and Manila, the flight plan of the route. Jeju air and Jerry Lee Lewis at aviation-related members also said that Korea-Ministry reported that airline to China to submit a flight plan in case of need, the company immediately submitted flight plans to the Chinese. Busan also submit flight plans to China this afternoon on the same day.

On November 23, the Chinese declared air defense identification zone, followed by Korea Ministry issued instructions requiring airlines not to submit flight plans in China. Since Korea after announcing the expansion of the air defense identification zone, Korea Government on airline flight plan from China Air Defense Identification Zone "not allowed" to "allow".


  Allowing companies to freely choose

Japan Ministry of land, infrastructure and transport officials said yesterday, directed against the Chinese Government set up on the issue of the air defense identification zone, Japan Government will adhere to the "do not recognize" position, but from the point of view of flight safety, will allow Japan Airlines flight plan do I need to submit to China on the issue of the freedom to make choices.

Sources say, as Korea-Ministry the same day to allow Korea to China Airlines submit flight plans, Japan Government fell into a State of isolation. Japan Airlines and all Nippon Airways, has submitted a flight plan to China in late last month, but the Japan Government a great deal of political pressure, had to withdraw the submission. Korea Government change its position allows airlines to submit flight plans decided to let Japan Airlines ' dissatisfaction with the decision of the Government is not allowed.

Analysts believe that the Japan Ministry of land, infrastructure and transport that approach means that Japan has disguised to abandon a portion of the position of the Government. Integrated news service World Wide Web reports


Informed of flight plans against flight safety

According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said yesterday that the airline concerned to inform the Chinese side of flight plans, flight safety and facilitate the airlines concerned airspace flight order.

Hong Lei said China has on numerous occasions to establish position on the air defense identification zone in the East China Sea. Chinese action is entirely legitimate, consistent with international law and practice, States should respect and cooperation.

(Original title: Japan and South Korea to allow airlines to submit flight plans)

(Edit: SN098)
December 13, 2013 The Beijing times
日允许公司向中方交飞行计划 分析称日立场已变|航空公司|韩国|中国_新闻资讯


















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