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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/13 10:13:48 Edit(编辑)
Intel’s threats

Intel’s threats(英特尔的威胁)

Intel's threat: Google designed to ARM architecture-server processor CPU, CPU, Google, Intel, ARM-IT information The Intel threat: Google design your CPU using ARM architecture

According to foreign media reports, sources say, Google is now considering use ARM technology, design and server processors, a move that could pose a threat to Intel.

The sources said, through design, Google can better manage the interaction between software and hardware. Google itself is one of the largest purchasers of the product of processor, the company has not yet made a final decision on the matter, may also change.

A Google spokesman lizi·makeman (Liz Markman) said, "we are positive about designing the world's best computing infrastructure. This includes both (at all levels), hardware design, includes software design. "Markman declined to say whether the company would develop chips.

Google has been all over the world to design a data center, using a network of servers to support the search, video, sharing, and other services. Google may be involved in the chip design will take Intel's revenues, Internet companies have been a mainstay of Intel processor purchases.

Chips based on ARM architecture in mobile phones and tablets on the dominant, Qualcomm and Samsung and other companies contain Intel's expansion in the industry. Used PC processor server chips, Intel's share of the market than 95%, another company AMD has the rest. AMD and other companies have said, plan to use the ARM architecture of the chip into the server market.

Intel and ARM statement per capita declined to comment.

Google revealed before interest in the chip industry. In August this year, the company joined a group sponsored by the IBM, the outside groups to empower data center technologies, including server chips. Chip manufacturer Nvidia, Michael Luo SI (Mellanox) and other companies is also a member of the group, which increase the speed of data transmission equipment.

In Google's position, a post named "digital design engineers". This position requires applicants to possess application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) experience. ASIC is a popular chip.

Intel forecast that under the trend of landslide in the PC market, company's revenue next year would not change. In May this year to the new Intel CEO Chi would make up that revenue declines hopes in Server chip.

Supply chain analysis of data compiled by Bloomberg show that Google is Intel's fifth-largest customer for its contribution to revenues of approximately 4.3%.


英特尔的威胁:谷歌自行设计CPU用ARM架构 - 服务器处理器,CPU,谷歌,英特尔,ARM - IT资讯



谷歌发言人利兹·马克曼(Liz Markman)表示,“我们对设计全球最好的基础计算设施持积极态度。这既包括(所有层面的)硬件设计,也包括软件设计。”马克曼拒绝透露公司是否会自行开发芯片。









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