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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/12 9:31:32 Edit(编辑)
Zhejiang Yiwu pilot employment system of the civil service, the highest-paid out 600,000

Zhejiang Yiwu pilot employment system of the civil service, the highest-paid out 600,000(浙江义乌试点聘任制公务员,年薪最高开出60万)

Zhejiang Yiwu pilots top paid out 600,000 appointment civil servants civil service engagement _ | | | Zhejiang news

CNS, Yiwu, December 10 (reporters and Zhang Jun)-full of the world's largest commodity distribution center in Yiwu city, Zhejiang province's reputation. In recent years, the quest for economic transformation and upgrading, Yiwu City careers, attract talent to miss. 10th appointment civil servants selected pilot in Yiwu, Zhejiang province. In order to attract talents, Yiwu City gives the highest annual salary of $ 600,000 and attractive "cheese". However, wanted to embrace the high salary "porcelain" candidates have excellent professional qualities of this "diamond".

On May 6, 2011, the 10th integrated reform experimental zone of comprehensive coordinated reforms – Yiwu international trade pilot started. Yiwu City Organization Department Deputy Minister Cai Zhuxian describes the "Yiwu ushered in a rare development opportunities and space. ”

But as the depth of the pilot reform to advance, Yiwu, transformation of the economic and social development, talent demand increases considerably, "currently in the civil service, e-commerce, port management and logistics planning of professional talents in areas such as scarce. ”

In this regard, as early as in February 2013, Zhejiang Provincial relevant departments conduct research, decided to pilot employment civil service recruitment in Yiwu.

Cai Zhuxian, the appointment system for recruiting civil servants was relatively scarce in comprehensive reform of international trade, professional and technical personnel, for the national recruitment.

Careers in good faith in Yiwu city, appointment civil servants given huge salary.

Human resources and Social Security Bureau, Yiwu city, Party Committee members Huang Lanying, currently, appointment 300,000/year agreement based standard salary Guide for civil servants, again on the basis of this consultation.

"Performance stands out, or make a special contribution to appointment of civil servants, wage agreements of 10% shall be granted special rewards. ”

At the same time, appointment civil servants enjoy the maximum fee standard for enterprise employees, pay basic endowment insurance, medical insurance, work injury insurance, unemployment insurance, maternity insurance types of 5; also, enjoy supplemental pension insurance.

In addition, Huang Lanying said appointment who wins "excellence in Yiwu" plan, you can enjoy a range of preferential policies for talent.

It is understood that talent touting social programs development and introduction of the "Yiwu excellence" programme provided offers on the appointees, within 5 years may be granted up to $ 4 million worth of incentives to finance, up to a maximum annual salary of 600,000 dollars.

However, this seductive "cheese", not everyone can get high professional qualities is essential to apply standard indicators.

Cai Zhuxian believes that under employment characteristics and positioning of the civil service, the pilot positions with high technical content, is the core business has elevated the level of the post.

Therefore, requirements must be low.

It is understood that this recruitment post 6, Yiwu City Public Security Bureau traffic lights management, Senior Director, intelligent transportation scheduling, Senior Director, e-business e-commerce analyst, Yiwu city, Yiwu, Yiwu City Planning Bureau, Senior Director of planning, traffic and Transport Bureau, Yiwu city, port management, Senior Director, logistics planning, Senior Director of information.

5 of 6 positions were senior executives, work experience and qualifications are also quite "high profile".

A case study of planning, Senior Director of logistics information, Yiwu, post, qualification requirements, computers, communications, information management and other related professional graduates, and with the national computer and software technology qualifications (level) examinations of the advanced certificate.

At the same time, there should be ten years work experience in information system project, and with more than 3 years working experience in large or the logistics information system of e-Government, also chaired or participated in the preparation of more than 2 informatization project proposal or feasibility study report of the project consultation reports, and other related conditions, such as requirements of test and evaluation, professional quality assessment score of more than 60%.

"Both from a recruiter on the quantity and quality of posts, are relatively large, Yiwu city, reflects the urgent need for talent and highly valued. "Cai Zhuxian said. (End text)

(Original title: Zhejiang Yiwu pilots top paid out 600,000 appointment civil servants)

(Edit: SN095)
December 10, 2013 China News Network
浙江义乌试点聘任制公务员 年薪最高开出60万|浙江|公务员|聘任制_新闻资讯

  中新网义乌12月10日电 (见习记者 张骏)浙江义乌市富有全球最大的小商品集散中心的盛誉。近年来,为谋求经济转型升级,义乌市求贤若渴,在招徕人才上卯足了劲。10日,浙江省首招聘任制公务员选择在义乌试点。为吸引人才,义乌市给出最高年薪60万的诱人“奶酪”。不过,想揽高薪“瓷器活”的应聘者,先得有过硬的专业素质这颗“金刚钻”。



















(原标题:浙江义乌试点聘任制公务员 年薪最高开出60万)


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