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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/12 9:31:03 Edit(编辑)
Underground man in Beijing to sign a labor contract, says happiness comes suddenly

Underground man in Beijing to sign a labor contract, says happiness comes suddenly(北京住井下男子签劳动合同,称幸福来得突然)

Beijing underground man signed a labor contract that happiness came suddenly | | | Beijing underground labor contracts _ news

Review: yesterday at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, live in Lido area for more than a decade of Wang Xiuqing formally signed labor contracts with the Beijing City University, starting from yesterday, he became an employee of the General Logistics Department of the school. The same day, minquan government worker in Henan province to the Beijing Youth daily said, lived at the bottom of all the elderly last name medical examinations in their hometowns, will work in the local old people's home of the future.

Wang Xiuqing said, "I thought I was going to stay in the pit, but now moved into new quarters, there is a steady job. "School staff said," we will help him complete role reversal, so that he can better adapt to society, truly lives out of the bottom. ”

Reporter (reporter Gui Tiantian correspondent Tang Pengyu) yesterday at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, "bottom man" Wang Xiuqing labor contract with Beijing City University, starting from yesterday, he became an employee of the General Logistics Department of the school, in addition to 2,600 Yuan a month in base pay, five insurances and a payment of welfare protection, schools will be subsidizing 1000 Yuan for him. In addition, he also moved into the dormitory of the school arranged for him.

"Happy somewhat abrupt. "Wang Xiuqing said," I thought I was going to stay in the pit, but now moved into new quarters, there is a steady job. "The Beijing City University Office Director Zeng Yuhong told Beijing Youth daily, the school has been very concerned about the" bottom man "incident, after reading a story, for the first time to Wang Xiuqing in the understanding of the situation.

Considering the age and physical condition of Wang Xiuqing, schools in the second school building was arranged for him on the first floor of a dormitory, living with another logistical personnel master Liu. "The beds are bunk beds, bunk beds into their room, spread some debris. TV, closet, heating the room, bedding, toothbrushes, towels and other daily necessities to the King maker ready. ”

At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Xiuqing/f, came to the school personnel has signed a three-year labor contract, contract come into effect since yesterday, which is valid until December 9, 2016. "Go to work at 8 this morning, get off at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Saturday and Sunday in normal rest, organization of the summer school, school employees also have three weeks of winter break breaks. "The Director said.

Had told the North Green newspaper reporter, Director, school support staff salary of 2,600 Yuan, but given the reality of the Crown is difficult, also from school Charity Fund of 1000 dollars a month in benefits. One month's probation, pay 2,500 Yuan. "After Mr Wang himself will decide how long, long-term employment, and give him all the formalities, such as aligning five insurances and a gold. Tomorrow also arranged for him to conduct orientation in Zhongguancun Hospital medical formalities were over, he's going to work. ”

Introduction General Liu, head of the school, "King, brother to school General Office workers. At first, he would repair furniture, maintenance simple work such as flowers and patrol the building, arranged according to his truth for during the trial period, and the appropriate training. Our main aim is to help him complete the role change, so that he can better adapt to society. "Photographer/reporter Hao Yi

Provided clues/Mr


Into a new home, the first thing: see contracts

Yesterday afternoon, Wang Xiuqing began his life in Beijing City University. "Thank you, good people, I have a new job. "When signing a contract, he was just listening to the staff's explanation, no attention on the contract. However, while he was sitting on a bed in dorm room, holding his contract, carefully studied.

But he did not look at contracts signed very slowly

2:40 P.M.-3:50: the school Office

2:40 P.M., Wang Xiuqing surrounded by a bunch of people into the Beijing City University. Media lens, his down-home with tense facial expression on his face. "Thank you, good people, I have a new job. ”

"Three documents require you to fill in, a copy of the labor contract, one is for school staff in the registration form, or there is a social security list. "School personnel office, four stories, Wang Xiuqing staff, under the guidance of signed their names to the document.

He has not read the contract, but he signed is slow, every each painting is carefully.

Repeatedly looked to sit on the sidelines of the labor contract

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon-6: workers ' dormitory

"You have a key? "Sitting in the second school building, a dormitory on the East, just got dorm keys Wang Xiuqing shyly touched prisoner didn't know what, ask of master Liu was asked to sit on the sidelines," I fear that sometimes forgets his keys, does not come through. "These words, he in the dorm room looking for a thin rope," rope wear, so I wouldn't forget. ”

For Wang Xiuqing, has just moved into a new environment, it all seems somewhat abrupt.

From living underground for 10 years when he moved to bright, staff quarters, whenever someone asked Wang Xiuqing, talkative, and he just kept saying: "I am happy, I am very grateful. ”

Bed in the dormitory, he picks up the labor contract on hand repeatedly looked, faces hidden in exultation, and sweep the somewhat uneasy. "I never wanted to do anything, but they took care of me, I had to do. I don't have a culture, and here let him learn, previously available only to send their children to school, I didn't know and now I live in the school. ”

Moved into new quarters Wang Xiuqing had a red bag. "I didn't bring anything, only a coat and a pair of trousers, there are warm-hearted people donated money. "An envelope that says," father Wang Xiuqing who strive, "he has chapped hands gently across the top of every word. He felt a heavy component of this sentence, no matter what you ate before, and value.

When you leave the hostel, with the help of staff, Wang Xiuqing held keys tried several times, managed to open the door to lock. He turned around and saw the eyes of building numbers, and some do not feel free to leave their "new home". Only this time, he will no longer have to worry about the House has been sealed.

Only a fall pants and a pair of slippers

6:10 P.M.-6:30: supermarket

"Haven't been to the supermarket, even to sway but a shot before. "At about 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Xiuqing accompanied by school staff, came to a large supermarket near the big Bell Temple, in the face of the range of products, hidden in a bit of curiosity in his eyes. Take the elevator to the second floor living area, teeters, almost missed, and shy look he, "I never get on this elevator. ”

"Only a pair of pants and a pair of slippers in autumn, the school gave me much. "In the garment district on the second floor, Wang Xiuqing pick up in earnest. Peer staff recommended that he bought it with wool trousers for fall, he waved, said: "no, no, buy a thin one on the line, well, put in fear. ”

To the cashier, Wang Xiuqing and school staff Rob pulled out 100 Yuan payment. He quietly said, "it's good Samaritan donated money, before I left the dorm took a piece out of the envelope. ”

He was carrying a plastic bag disappeared into the night, the 52-year old man, slowly walked into the world truly belongs to him.

Text/reporter Gui Tiantian


Wang Xiuqing: happy little abrupt

North Green newspaper reporter to interview Wang Xiuqing yesterday. For future plans, Wang Xiuqing said his greatest wish was to get the money owed.

Used to live is hell here like "Heaven"

North Green News: did you feel moved to a new home?

Wang Xiuqing: feel good, happy somewhat abrupt.

Beiqing reported: a person used to live, now going to live with master Liu, able to adapt to it?

Wang Xiuqing: no problem, I'm pretty easygoing.

North Green News: remember the first days living in the underground feel?

Wang Xiuqing: remember. Windy outside, feeling there was a door, I thought I was going to die in the pit. If used to live well is the hell, live heaven now.

Doing anything or not ready

Green has been reported in the North: media coverage after your experience, do you have any other contact you?

Wang Xiuqing: Yes. Home farms arranged for me to guard over there or something like that.

North Green: why did you choose this job?

Wang Xiuqing: because we saw at the Beijing Institute of city people, to get to know my family. My legs up the firewood had broken a few years ago, physical condition is not good, people hired and I can't do anything, but people have trouble and there were very stable, I can go home and watch the kids on a regular basis.

North Green: do you want to work here as long as? You signed a three-year contract?

Wang Xiuqing: Yes, three or five years. Can't sign too long, people took care of me, gave me this job, and in a few years I probably can't do anymore, you cannot give people trouble.

Do anything, haven't figured out, said a one-month trial period, I was following people to learn. My junior high school diploma, does not mean anything, anyway, what is a learning, I'm going to secondary education.

Owe money to get

North Green News: family, did you know that you have moved into a new House?

Wang Xiuqing: I didn't call his wife. She will not use the telephone, when kids get out of school, I'll play.

North Green: your phone when you buy it?

Wang Xiuqing: didn't buy, pick it up. Mobile phone cover and all the batteries fell out on the roadside, I put them together, I never thought I'd be able to use, later fitted with a child's cell phone card, had been used up to now.

North Green: do you want to pick up on all the family?

Wang Xiuqing: thought about it. When I used to live in the underground, a wife and kids at home went to see, but where the environment is not good, they spent a night away. Now living in glory here, they look assured.

North Green: back pay, most want to do?

Wang Xiuqing: I owe sixty thousand or seventy thousand, I want to owe the debt. Hard times before, they (sanitation worker) lent me $ 30,000, didn't even write the IOU, I feel that people trust me, I want to earn money and still owe money. Next year I want to fix home House, House kids home can stay for two days solid.

North Green: now, what else do you wish?

Wang Xiuqing: when I was young, brilliant, has now made its way. Kids before because the account school problem, I hate to see kids cry, their tears, and I felt my heart bleeds. Things now that the children went to school, I would have nothing to fear, for they make it good.

Text/reporter Gui Tiantian

News links

Bottom hole into a hospital for the elderly in Henan medical examination

"The American plan, so that the elderly can stabilize", local government North Green, a staff member told reporters, at a nursing home in Henan who "bottom man" jeon provided a canteen job. It is understood that initially decided to transfer to the capital when the elderly, the Government departments concerned for the elderly around looking for work, taking into account the situation of elderly families and eventually to nearby places for the elderly.

First name 8th home for the elderly, local government arrangements for the elderly into a local hospital physical examination. "The old man lived for many years in Beijing, worried about her health problems. "The staff member said, claiming to be suffering from heart and brain blood vessel disease of the elderly, therefore, I would undergo a medical examination to ensure that body without the problems of the elderly.

Elderly people also expressed their willingness to work in the canteen, just a few days, once the situation has stabilized, will be visiting the local nursing home for the elderly in new jobs in the cafeterias. Text/reporter Luo Jingyun

(Original title: bottom man Wang Xiuqing signed a contract with the hostel)

(Edit: SN095)
December 11, 2013 The Beijing Youth daily
北京住井下男子签劳动合同 称幸福来得突然|劳动合同|井下|北京_新闻资讯



  本报讯(记者 桂田田 通讯员 唐鹏宇)昨天下午3时许,“井底人”王秀青与北京城市学院签订劳动合同,从昨天开始,他正式成为该校总务处后勤部门的一名员工,除了每月2600元的基本工资、五险一金的福利保障,学校还将为他补助1000元。此外,他还搬进了学校为他安排的职工宿舍。





  学校总务处负责人刘女士介绍,“王大哥将到学校总务处从事工勤工作。刚开始,他会从事修理桌椅、维护花卉和巡楼等简单工作,试用期内会根据他的实际情况再作安排,并进行相应的岗位培训。我们主要的目的是帮助他完成角色转换,让他能更好地适应社会。”摄影/本报记者 郝羿





  他没看合同 但签得很慢





  坐在床边 反复端详《劳动合同书》














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  过去住的是地狱 这里像“天堂”







  做什么都行 还没想好



















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