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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/11 8:47:50 Edit(编辑)
Homeless man, this is a developing mobile applications,

Homeless man, this is a developing mobile applications,(这是一款流浪汉开发的手机应用,)

This is a bum phone application developed for-Trees for Cars, Hobo programmer, Leo-IT information This is a bum phone application developed for

A few months ago, United States New York City staged a "Bo Le was skilled in selecting fine horses" inspirational story: homeless Leo with the assistance and guidance of a software developer, has undergone a month after encoding, developed the first software App.

It is reported that Leo has worked for the United States the Metropolitan life insurance company (MetLife), laid off in 2011, because of house rent and other reasons, eventually becoming homeless bum.

Is in such a context, however, Leo after just four weeks of study, has developed its own application.

▲ Photo Leo

Now, the app has already been published, called "cars of trees (Trees for Cars)", is primarily intended to help users share carpool or means of transport, and can estimate how this can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide.

It is reported that, after deduction of the Apple 30% taxes, Leo, this software can turn a profit. Leo developed Trees for Cars sites, where more information about the application. In addition, if you want to lend a hand to the homeless man, and can also buy on the site "Tree t-shirt" or hoodies.


这是一款流浪汉开发的手机应用 - Trees for Cars,流浪汉程序员,Leo - IT资讯





现在,这款应用程序已发布,名为“树之汽车(Trees for Cars)”,主要用于帮助用户拼车或分享交通工具,并能估算出由此所能减少二氧化碳的数量。

据悉,扣除苹果30%的税收之后,Leo这款软件依然能够实现盈利。Leo还开发了Trees for Cars网站,那里有更多关于该应用的信息。此外,如果你想向这位流浪汉伸出援助之手的话,也可以购买网站上的“Tree T恤”或者帽衫。


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