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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/9 13:40:47 Edit(编辑)
Yanan in wuqi County production plant burst fire, causing no casualties

Yanan in wuqi County production plant burst fire, causing no casualties(延安吴起县采油厂突发大火,未造成人员伤亡)

Yanan in wuqi County production plant burst fire caused no casualties _ | | | Yanan in wuqi County fires news

6th at around 10 o'clock, people's daily online channels from Yanan in Shaanxi Province learned in wuqi County work safety supervision Bureau, around 6th, wuqi County a production plant outside Union Station and a sewage tank fire, the fire has been extinguished, causing no casualties.

Wuqi County in Yanan city work safety supervision Bureau Director Li Zhisheng revealed to reporters, is a joint production plant in wuqi County of fire station outside of a sewage tank. After the fire broke out, the combined station for the first time launched the emergency plan, after the emergency, the fire was put out on 6th. Subsequently, the reporter contacted a security guard at the scene, told reporters at a security guard, after the fire, staff quickly on a small fire and site clean up.

Li Zhisheng Secretary revealed that fire causes were under investigation. (People's daily online channel Shanxi news Investigations Department)

(Edit: SN077)
December 07, 2013 People's daily online
延安吴起县采油厂突发大火 未造成人员伤亡|延安|吴起县|大火_新闻资讯





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