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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/9 13:40:39 Edit(编辑)
XI Jinping, on death of Mandela, South Africa President Jacob Zuma of condolence

XI Jinping, on death of Mandela, South Africa President Jacob Zuma of condolence(习近平就曼德拉逝世向南非总统祖马致唁电)

XI Jinping, on death of Mandela, South Africa President Jacob Zuma condolence | | | ' _ Mandela XI Jinping news

XI Jinping, President of Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 6-6th new South Africa death of first President Nelson Mandela to South Africa President Jacob Zuma of condolence. XI Jinping, on behalf of the Chinese Government and people and in his own name, expressed deep condolences on the death of Nelson Mandela, expressed sincere condolences to the Mandela family.

XI said in a condolence, Mandela is one of the world's politicians, in the end of the year, leading South Africa people through arduous efforts, success in the fight against apartheid, for the new South Africa made a historic contribution to the emergence and development.

XI noted that Mandela was one of the founders of Sino-South, his two visits to China, actively promote the friendly cooperation in various fields in the South. The Chinese people will always remember him for the Central-South relationships and made outstanding contributions to the cause of human progress.

XI Jinping reiterated that is willing to, together with Mr Zuma, South in the consolidation and development of a comprehensive strategic partnership, and promote friendship to flourish in the South.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 6-Premier Li keqiang 6th new South Africa death of Nelson Mandela, the first President of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma of condolence. Li keqiang, on behalf of the Chinese Government and people and in his own name, expressed deep condolences on the death of Nelson Mandela, expressed sincere condolences to the Mandela family.

Li keqiang said in a condolence, Mr Mandela was South Africa famous leaders in the struggle against apartheid, new South Africa players, but also the world famous politicians. He was not only well received by South Africa people loved, but also win the respect of the peoples of the world.

Li noted that Mandela is in the South made important contributions to the establishment and development of the relationship. Deeply saddened for losing an old friend of the Chinese people.

Mr Li said the Chinese Government is ready to work with South Africa Government to work together to promote the development of comprehensive strategic partnership in the South for the benefit of the two countries and their peoples.

(Original title: XI Jinping to President Zuma of condolence)

December 07, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily

  新华社北京12月6日电 国家主席习近平6日就新南非首任总统曼德拉不幸逝世向南非总统祖马致唁电。习近平代表中国政府和人民并以个人名义,对曼德拉逝世表示深切的哀悼,向曼德拉的亲属表示诚挚的慰问。










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