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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/9 13:40:30 Edit(编辑)
Usher in the high levels of pollution in Beijing, many highways closed due to thick fog

Usher in the high levels of pollution in Beijing, many highways closed due to thick fog(北京迎来重度污染,多条高速公路因大雾封闭)

Highways due to thick fog ushered in high levels of pollution in Beijing closed | | Beijing haze | Highway _ news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 8 (reporters Lu Guoqiang and Ni Yuanjin)-according to the Environmental Protection Department monitors, 8th hour concentrations of PM2.5 in Beijing of severe to severe pollution levels. The haze-affected, from the morning onwards, part of the highway around Beijing closed.

Information issued by the Beijing municipal environmental protection monitoring center 8:30 showed that city-all stations hours of fine particulate matter PM2.5 concentration reached levels of moderate to severe pollution, environmental protection departments reminded people to avoid outdoor activities, and appropriate protective measures.

Reporters from the Beijing Municipal traffic administration learned that the fog effect, 8th, Beijing-Harbin, Beijing-Tianjin and Beijing-Shanghai, Beijing-Macao Expressway out of Beijing, such as the use of temporary closures.

As of 8th, Beijing-Tianjin Expressway, Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, Beijing-Macao Expressway, daguang Expressway to Beijing direction, still taking temporary closures in Beijing and high visibility has improved, have lifted a temporary closure.

Beijing's heavy pollution situation is expected in the afternoon of 8th from North to South is improved.

(Edit: SN028)
December 08, 2013 The website
北京迎来重度污染 多条高速公路因大雾封闭|北京|雾霾|高速公路_新闻资讯

  新华网北京12月8日电(记者 卢国强 倪元锦) 据环保部门监测,8日晨北京PM2.5的小时浓度达到重度到严重污染级别。受雾霾影响,从当天凌晨起,北京周边部分高速公路封闭。






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