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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/9 13:40:27 Edit(编辑)
Two of Anqing section of Changjiang River sand ship collided in heavy fog caused by sunk

Two of Anqing section of Changjiang River sand ship collided in heavy fog caused by sunk(长江安庆段俩黄沙船大雾中相撞致沉没)

Anqing section of Changjiang River sand ship collided in heavy fog caused by sunk | | | fog _ a collision of the Yangtze River news

People Hefei December 7 electric (reporter Zhou Ran) people Anhui channel reporter from Anqing obtained of message: December 7 at 6 o'clock in the morning Xu, Yangtze River Anqing paragraph Prince Rocky waters (is located in Anqing Yingjiang District changfengxiang Ning railway bridge upstream 800 m Department), a sand ship (ship, for sea source 6,698) in turn Shi, due to fog was Sheung Shui another a ship sand ship (ship name unknown, and has escapes) collision to the ship sank, 4 name crew drowning. After the alarm, the Anqing Maritime Bureau quickly organize, rushed to the waters to rescue what had happened, the scene rescued crew of 2 and another 2 crew members missing.

December 07, 2013 People's daily online

  人民网合肥12月7日电(记者 周然)人民网安徽频道记者从安庆市获得的消息:12月7日上午6时许,长江安庆段太子矶水域(位于安庆市迎江区长风乡宁安铁路大桥上游800米处),一黄沙船(船号为海源6698)在掉头时,因大雾被上水另一艘黄沙船(船名不详、已逃逸)碰撞致该船沉没,4名船员落水。接警后,安庆海事局迅速组织力量,赶往出事水域施救,现场救起2名船员,另有2名船员失踪。


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