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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/9 13:40:14 Edit(编辑)
Take missions abroad salesman Li keqiang, follow-up of entrepreneurs at their own expense, pay

Take missions abroad salesman Li keqiang, follow-up of entrepreneurs at their own expense, pay(李克强带团出国变推销员,企业家自费掏腰包随访)

Li keqiang salesman entrepreneurs going abroad at their own expense to pay Prime Minister follow-up | salesman | | Romania _ news

"China's high-speed railway technology mature, fully able to adapt to national circumstances, to meet the market demand. ”

On November 26, 2013, Romania the Parliament Palace. Dubbed by the media "super salesman," said Premier Li keqiang, standing in the lobby of the Central, to the leaders of the 16 countries in Central and Eastern Europe to promote high-speed rail in China.

Li great LE d on the screen behind him, a nasty high-speed rail is coming to the audience, the Hall is surrounded by walls plastered with detailing the high-speed rail technology exhibition, there are several high speed rail models.

Also catch "Prime Minister to sell" cyclone, also from China, a huge economic and nearly 300 people in the country. Of these enterprises, three-fourths from the private sector. They went from small local economy to jump on the wider international stage.

 Three-fourths members of the trade mission that comes from private enterprise

Guangdong great machinery group company Chairman Huang Wenge saw Prime Minister Li keqiang at the opening ceremony of the Forum on economic and trade. This is the location of numerous entrepreneurs in economic and trade mission near the front.

Although far from more, but Li keqiang, on the economic and Trade Forum statement continues to impress Huang Wenge and other SMEs.

Li keqiang proposed for economic and trade development between China and Central and Eastern Europe the three suggestions I have one and they are closely linked: actively expanding two-way investment. Discussion on industrial investment framework agreements signed, discussion on the establishment of China-Eastern European countries SMEs exchanges and cooperation platform, organising an SME seminar on investment promotion policies. Government to create the conditions that enterprises should blaze new trails, to jointly promote the China-Middle East-European cooperation.

Made the business Secretary of fangchenggang of Guangxi Li Jiangying "touched". This time, the fangchenggang city, he carefully picked out 5 private entrepreneurs along with the Prime Minister's trade missions, leap from offshore areas of Eurasia, "originally intended to Europe's more developed, would look down on us, but not at all. ”

Li Jiangying, Li came in the room, a lot of people eagerly go and the Chinese Prime Minister to take pictures, and listening to the Prime Minister "modest but resounding" speech, felt very proud of myself.

South reporter statistics, Li keqiang, the visits from members of the trade mission of nearly 300 people, three-fourths from private enterprises, most of which come from little-known small and medium enterprises, from light industry, real estate, machinery and equipment, food, clothing, and other industries. Some of these entrepreneurs is not the first time state leaders led a trade mission abroad.

"After all, title of national leaders, it has great attraction for entrepreneurs. "Since 2009, Research Institute for SMEs in China began to engage leaders of entrepreneurs with outbound links. According to Director Xiao Qiang introduced, under normal circumstances such as leaders visit trade mission registration conditions are very good, you want to filter.

The Xiao Qiang with 8 SMEs before the Prime Minister arrived in Romania in Bucharest. He's also pitching in, through group visits idle time, Xiao Qiang, entrepreneurs and made contact with a number of local businesses and activities of the Commerce and industry interviews, Huang Wenge as members think communication is very smooth, "Romania is very friendly, we trust."

Before departure, Li keqiang, has told the media that, this line is highlighting China's equipment manufacturing to Central and East European countries. It was reported that the leader of the Chinese delegation in China-Middle East-Western Europe during a meeting dedicated to high-speed rail and equipment exhibition was organized, the exhibition attracted Eastern European countries 16 politicians and Romania nearly 13,000 public visits on the ground.

"Their streets, infrastructure is indeed old, China when the 890, looked on. "Huang Wenge, own company although only private businesses, but enough to meet Romania for all the devices you want.

This line and contributed to Huang Wenge Romania local businesses reach a "digging for gold" and other preliminary cooperation intention. Huang Wenge company equipment, Romania has the resources, complement each other, both sides hit it off.

Spawned the birth of large-scale economic and trade mission "intermediary trades"

Huang Wenge can become a mission to visit the entrepreneur is not a coincidence.

"To see each other what is needed, what is the purpose of the visit of our Government. "According to Xiao Qiang, introduction, balance demand, willingness to reach out and complementarity is to choose the Group enterprises are key factors.

Li Jiangying reporters to South, fangchenggang in choosing an enterprise first of all consider that reflects the Fangcheng port characteristics and import and export business of the company.

As early as a few years ago, CCPIT is one of a handful of institutions engaged in this work, one of the staff, at the time, in addition to "visit has economic and trade relations between the countries", the "excellent political discipline" is one of the entrepreneurs follow-up condition.

With the end of the transition period of China's accession to the World Trade Organization, ushered in a new stage in our country, starting from simple "back" to "bringing in" and "going out" combination of changes. In addition to state-owned enterprises, the State began to encourage qualified enterprises to go abroad, and these little-known business owners were recognized and accepted by the world's best chance is with the leaders of the carry trade missions.

Rise in the foreign investment of Wenzhou private entrepreneurs in the early 21st century "going global" trends took hold, overseas. Zhejiang enterprise successfully launched in local government new deal---Zhejiang enterprises to finance overseas resources development the reasons, frequently with the leaders ' visits have also contributed. According to state media reports, in September 2005, at Chinese President Hu Jintao visited Canada in 80 entrepreneurs, Zhejiang businessmen accounted for one-fourth, among them 14 Wenzhou entrepreneur.

With the "going out" strategy of deepening, more and more private entrepreneurs are willing to join the trade mission leader visited the group, dozens of people's economic and development from the early years to the present economic and trade size is often hundreds of people.

Selected entrepreneurs have been taking by government departments, however, selection criteria and the subject is changed. One of the Commerce Department's Foreign Affairs Division staff, between Government and business is not directly linked to enterprise choice basically referred to the different associations or private business groups.

Xiao Qiang is doing himself referred to as "intermediaries". Once upon a time, selected by Ministry of Commerce or trade is primarily responsible for follow-up of businesses, is now mainly consists of these "intermediaries" to choose from. South reporter found that the trade mission of 300 people was divided into "TDC, the Department of foreign trade, international economic and technical Exchange Center, China's service trade association, Bucharest, Commerce and industry", and many other groups, each group with dozens of people to hundreds of people, each of these groups are responsible for within their own group of entrepreneurs. Xiao Qiang, the Research Institute for SMEs under Bucharest, Commerce and industry. He estimated that the similar to the Research Institute for SMEs "intermediary" institution should have seven or eight.

As early as Prime Minister Li keqiang visited two months ago, Huang Wenge has received a number of agencies sent a mission to Eastern Europe with the invitations. Huang Wenge chose SME Academy, citing "has followed them to visit before, and they are more familiar with and trust."

  Full fee out of Pocket

The South reporter, as is customary, entrepreneurs full costs borne by enterprises themselves on this trip. But many reporters offered entrepreneurs to South: If there is any chance in the future will also attend.

Xiao Qiang, introduced, with appropriate opportunities, negotiate cooperation, boosting companies go abroad has increasingly become a preferred reasons entrepreneurs will accompany economic and trade missions.

According to Li Jiangying introduction, indeed some entrepreneurs had with Romania wine Association contact: East food company wants to Poland a very distinctive ceramics bring in sales, the Eastern European character of the ceramic has a rich, suitable for tea and coffee. In addition, Tung Shing also Poland's location is interested in from the sea, next they will send someone to understand the details involved in the seafood trade.

Yet a Mekong tours company want to Poland to invest, trading in chain restaurants or property.

Guangxi Office of trade mission also arrived here with new ideas, Guangxi overseas three times a year the exhibition to promote exports from Guangxi, had hoped to get located in Brazil, now find a huge market in Eastern Europe, and China complement each other more, and so decided to moved his show to Poland.

Many entrepreneurs, said Xiao Qiang, team, then come, even with the leaders not the mission. Li Jiangying said that China's economic development, has accumulated a lot of money, these funding sources, many items abroad "guard can do. ”

South reporter Nadia interns Pei Xinya Ge Qian Liu Jia Beijing

(Original title: Prime Minister visits turned "super salesman" hitchhiking in private enterprises overseas business opportunities)

(Edit: SN098)
December 08, 2013 The Southern Metropolis daily
李克强带团出国变推销员 企业家自费掏腰包随访|推销员|总理|罗马尼亚_新闻资讯



  李克强身后巨大的LE D屏上,一列疾驰的高铁正向观众迎面驶来,大厅四周是贴满了详细介绍高铁技术的展墙,还有数个高铁模型。
































  南都记者娜迪娅 刘佳 葛倩实习生裴心雅 发自北京

(原标题:总理出访变身“超级推销员” 民营企业搭便车海外争商机)


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