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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/9 13:39:54 Edit(编辑)
Slam the boy unconscious left foot girls home or domestic violence to their imitation

Slam the boy unconscious left foot girls home or domestic violence to their imitation(被摔男婴左手脚无知觉,女孩家或有家暴致其模仿)

Broken boy left-foot family or domestic violence to their unconscious girl imitating | | boys in Chongqing | violence _ news

Yangcheng evening news reporter Zheng Cheng reported: Chongqing a 1 and a half baby girls beat the original being 10 years old and things falling from 25 touches one of these days a lot of people's hearts. The night of 6th, yangcheng evening news reporter learned from the original's grandfather, there is original, severe brain injury, skull fracture, fracture of the right lateral wall of the orbit, a series of subarachnoid hemorrhage in serious life-threatening injuries, surgery will be carried out next week. "Now, left leg, left arm, not aware of the original. "He said sadly.

  Boy's family claimed 300,000 yuan for help

6th, this reporter has learned from Changshou District people's Court in Chongqing, which has accepted the fell case shocked the nation, Yuanyuan and their parents sued the plaintiff accused Li Mou, Lee's parents, East View property management Ltd, Chengdu city health disputes.

Plaintiffs of litigation in the said, due to Lee a unprovoked using violence violations original original of life health right, guardian is not do guardianship duties, property tube company on elevator of run is not do security guarantees obligations, plaintiffs requests Decree Lee a and parents compensation plaintiffs medical, and hospital life supplement, and nursing fee, and transportation, and nutrition fee, 300,000 yuan (tentative), disability compensation gold, and nursing fee, and continued medical fee, and spirit soothes gold waiting identification Hou determines corresponding amounts; Chengdu city East King property management limited on above compensation paragraph bear corresponding of compensation responsibility.

For compensation of 300,000 yuan, Xinhua noted, many netizens believe that amount is too small, however, Yuanyuan's grandfather Li Qingchang said the night of 6th yangcheng evening news reporter, they do not want to go to the "correct" one, "claims 300,000 is because children waiting for the money to help! "He told a press conference, 5th girl home for a total of 78,000 yuan, after never contact them again, and original treatment has now cost nearly 70,000 yuan, and subsequent costs are unknown. The good news is, journalists, 6th the original Dad on Twitter to see that they had received a 100,000-dollar donation the Charity Fund. Li Qingchang said that even though the original has been revived, but the situation is not optimistic, form on the hands and feet to lose consciousness.

  Girls home or domestic violence achieve its imitation

Girls beat the original, many netizens think it suffers from antisocial personality. However, psychological experts believe that because of their too young, so are not able to judge whether it's anti-social personality, now belongs to conduct disorder, largely by biological factors, family factors and socio-environmental factors.

"As can be seen from this girls personality comparison tempered, not blurted out he threw the baby to the ground and beaten. In addition, the girl's family may be chronic violence or parents often acts of domestic violence, or violence against girls a lot. Over time she would imitate grown-up behavior. "The psychologist said, the education of girls and their relationships, whether lack should have some moral cognition.

Zheng Cheng

(Original title: Grandpa says children left arms and legs without consciousness)

December 07, 2013 Golden Goat excursions, yangcheng evening news
被摔男婴左手脚无知觉 女孩家或有家暴致其模仿|重庆|男婴|家暴_新闻资讯

  羊城晚报讯 记者郑诚报道:重庆一名1岁半男婴原原遭10岁女孩摔打并从25楼坠下的事这几天牵动了不少国人的心。6日晚,羊城晚报记者从原原的爷爷处了解到,原原目前存在重型颅脑损伤、颅骨骨折、右侧眼眶外侧壁骨折、蛛网膜下腔出血等一系列严重危及生命的创伤,手术将在下周进行。“现在原原的左腿、左臂已经没有知觉了。”他伤心地说。











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