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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/9 13:39:30 Edit(编辑)
Sha Zukang: war not worth the Diaoyu Islands in China and Japan

Sha Zukang: war not worth the Diaoyu Islands in China and Japan(沙祖康:中日不值得为钓鱼岛开战)

Sha: Sha Zukang, Sino-Japanese war not worth the Diaoyu | | | Diaoyu Island _ the war news

# # The global times 2014 annual meeting, "Sha Zukang: efforts to avoid military conflict, war for two pieces of broken stone worth" original Sha Zukang, UN Under Secretary General said that every effort must be made to avoid military conflict, once war occurs, will not be the scale of the Sino-Japanese war or World War II. This, the United States, China, and Japan, and certainly do not want. He also said that the Diaoyu Islands in China and Japan the two pieces of "breaking rocks" the war is not worth it.

(Edit: SN077)
December 07, 2013 Global times



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