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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/9 13:39:16 Edit(编辑)
Reform of college entrance examination in Beijing: next year’s proposed reduction in English vocabulary

Reform of college entrance examination in Beijing: next year’s proposed reduction in English vocabulary(北京高考改革方案:明年英语拟减词汇量)

Reform of college entrance examination in Beijing: next year's proposed reduction of English vocabulary | | English | reforms _ college entrance examination news

Legal evening news (reporter Wu Wenjuan) the 2014-2016 reform of the college entrance examination entrance exposure drafts of the framework programme has been more than a month, the legal evening news reporter was informed this morning, official programme of the reform of college entrance examination in Beijing with the Ministry of education examination admissions overall programme adjusted exposure draft issued, the current Board of 2014 exam descriptions are being revised. According to insiders, or learn English vocabulary will be reduced.

Lianping City Board of Directors line to the law late reporters, official programme of the reform of college entrance examination in Beijing with the Ministry of education examination admissions overall programme consultation paper issued to adjust. At present, the Board of 2014 exam format is currently under revision, in which English test questions structure, propositional forms will be adjusted.

I just finished college entrance examination meeting the head of the school to act later reporters that college entrance examination in 2014 will reduce the difficulty of English, vocabulary, or will be reduced from 3,500 to 3,080, and 2015 can learn English vocabulary will continue to decrease, while two exams a year by 2016.

According to press reports, in accordance with the experience of previous years, annual college entrance exam instructions will be issued around the end of December. Any adjustments related to the are to prevail in 2014 exam description.

  Programme: English exam students participated

On October 21, the City Board of education unveiled the idea of college entrance examination reform in 2014-2016 framework programme (draft for soliciting opinions). Points out that from 2016 onwards, Chinese college entrance scores increased from 150 minutes to 180 minutes, integrated arts, science scores increased from 300 to 320 points. English test examination will be social, a twice-yearly exams, students can participate in multiple times, a perfect score is 100 points, by 50 points.

At the same time, parallel volunteer groups to complete the undergraduate volunteers completing the implementation of undergraduate lot, graduates are one, two or three batches of volunteers set up 4 of the original school expanded to 5, that is, every batch of first-choice school for 2 parallel, parallel to the school by the second volunteer for 3.

On December 5, Liu Limin, Deputy Minister in the Ministry of education said in an interview, the Ministry of education has completed the examination enrollment overall programme, is about to face the entire society for public comment. Main test students ' examination of high school completion in the future, qualified and rank methods will be used to render the test score, no more room, to avoid "care".

Students according to their interests, aspirations and advantages, and consciously choose some level examination subjects to take the test, each course at the end of the exam, "Qing" to avoid graduation "exams for three years at a time," pressure. At the same time, create conditions for students an opportunity to offer a course you can take part in the two exams, taking into account the best result.

He also emphasized that the integrated and function orientation of each of the high school proficiency test for college entrance examination. On establishing and perfecting the system of high school proficiency test, based on reduced entrance examination subjects, exploring not penny sets the test subject of science. Exploring foreign language subjects once a year social examination, students are free to choose the test of time and frequency, expression of foreign language examinations, results, and tend to be more scientific and reasonable.

(Original title: the nmet next year proposed reductions in English vocabulary)

(Edit: SN059)
December 07, 2013 Legal evening news

  法制晚报讯(记者 武文娟)《2014-2016年高考高招改革框架方案》征求意见稿已出台一个多月,《法制晚报》记者上午获悉,北京正式的中高考改革方案将随着教育部的考试招生总体方案征求意见稿的出台进行调整,目前教委正在修订2014年考试说明。另据知情人透露,高考英语词汇量或将减少。












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