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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/8 8:55:01 Edit(编辑)
China’s Ministry of education request for comments: when foreign language no longer in college entrance examination

China’s Ministry of education request for comments: when foreign language no longer in college entrance examination(中国教育部将征求意见:外语不再在统一高考时举行)

Consult the Ministry of education: language is no longer held at unity College | | | foreign languages _ the reform of college entrance examination news

Yesterday, the Ministry of education website to disclosure have finalized details of admissions reform plan section of the exam. Overall programme and the reform of college entrance examination and other supporting measures will be introduced in the first half of next year.

Under the "three years earlier to know" principle, students take the test within the next three years are not have a big impact. Supporting implementation of the views of the current pilot in 2017 and formally implemented by 2020, forming new enrollment system of examinations.

In the reform of college entrance examination, will explore the foreign language test is no longer at the college entrance examination held, and study of the socialization for over a year.

The Beijing News reporter Xu Luyang

  "The reform of college entrance examination"

  Foreign language socialization will be pursued for over a year and examination

For the reform of college entrance examination, the examination of the Ministry of education plans to introduce admissions overall programme, should be carried out of the exam assessment system and the admission system in system design. Where, in respect of reform of the exam assessment system, will focus on the implementation of the high school proficiency test, comprehensive quality assessment, and the high school proficiency test system is fully implemented.

Worth noting is that exploring foreign language no longer in college entrance examination held, social reform of exam in over a year, selected by the students ' self-exam time and frequency.

"Judging from trends in the world and personal development are needed to change the language, mathematics and languages are equally important in the college entrance examination. "In this regard, the interpretation of national education Advisory Committee member Yuan Zhenguo said that exploration of the foreign language test," study of the socialization for over a year ", if successful, also then continued to break the" exams for life "experience.

  "Admissions reforms"

  Implement separation of vocational college admission and registration

Experts fear the reform of college entrance examination if the adjustment is confined to subjects, but no reform of enrollment system, may result in greatly reduced the effect of reform.

Yesterday, the Ministry of education disclosed in terms of reforming the admission system, focusing on two aspects, one is to steadily push forward based on unified college entrance examination and comprehensive evaluation of the high school proficiency test results, admitted to multiple mechanisms. Speed up the implementation of the second category recruit and enroll in vocational colleges, "sit for higher vocational college students may not take the test by the school based on their test scores and high school level vocational orientation test results. ”

Involved in the design of the reform of college entrance examination of the 21st century Education Research Institute Yang Dongping said earlier, see from the trends, research-oriented University talent recruitment and large area between ordinary school admissions will also differ.

However, the National Education Advisory Committee said Yuan Zhenguo, wheel recruitment reforms in institutions of power and slightly inadequate because at current hooks mechanism seemed little time left after selection of outstanding college students, hard to follow in examining candidates scored at the same time, comprehensive evaluation of the reference interview, a high school, so he believes that authorities are subordinate to University programmes admissions system in place is necessary.

  "Policy implementation"

  Around the end of next year to announce implementation approach

For major educational reforms such as college entrance examination, the Ministry of education are generally in accordance with the "three years earlier to know" principle, will be announced some time in advance of the programme, to ensure that the reform in an orderly manner.

First half of 2014, the Ministry will publish the overall programme and reform of college entrance examination reform in the area of implementation, provinces have started to pilot comprehensive reforms of the conditional or special pilot reform in 2017, summary of results and experience, implemented by 2020, forming new enrollment system of examinations.

Programme requirements, provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) have until the end of 2014 at the latest introduced specific measures for implementation in the region.

In fact, in some places to explore, such as Zhejiang, in 2011, will have implemented the "Trinity" admissions, students comprehensive quality of high school academic standards, test scores and scored three, according to a certain proportion of conversion into a final score. Yunnan, Zhejiang, Tianjin and other places in the college entrance examination listening tests, took a foreign language test in over a year.

  The reform path

  Conditions may be running 9-year consistency

Jiang Liu Limin introduced on examination reform of enrollment system there are currently seven paths throughout compulsory education to the higher education course.


Exploring the implementation of compulsory enrollment of vicinity, including primary and junior high school counterpart helicopter; a rational division of school districts, students go directly to junior high school in the district; conditional region running a new school for 9 years of consistent policy, integrated and effective governance in some big cities choosing overheating problems.


Promoting the reform of senior high school entrance examination system, including the establishment of sound system junior high school academic proficiency tests and quality evaluation, encourages active exploration of a junior high school academic proficiency test scores and enrollment based on the synthetic evaluation of quality education; perfect quality high school junior high school in the rational allocation of seats to the regional approach based on secondary vocational schools with junior high school academic proficiency test results, for certified school.


Establishing and perfecting the high school proficiency test and comprehensive quality evaluation system.


Establishing and perfecting the fit characteristics of higher vocational education "+ vocational skills of cultural makings" examination enrolment system.


Reform of the college entrance examination, establish a comprehensive evaluation, diversity of undergraduate admissions mechanisms.


Conducive to creative talent and high-level application-oriented personnel selection graduate enrollment system of examinations, including exploration of academic degrees and professional degrees graduate classification tests; expanding training and mentor teams enrolment autonomy; the establishment of doctoral "application-performance" admissions system.


Expanding opportunities for community members receive diversity education, the establishment of

Variety of learning outcomes convert accreditation system. According to Xinhua News Agency

(Original title: Department of education: exploring the college entrance exam is no longer unified exam English)

(Edit: SN048)
December 08, 2013 The Beijing News




  新京报记者 许路阳


















  ■ 改革路径

















  多种学习成果转换认定制度。 据新华社



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