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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/6 12:32:19 Edit(编辑)
Internet pornography, and ring,

Internet pornography, and ring,(网络色情横行,一起戒色吧,)

Internet pornography, and ring together-Internet porn, NpFap, porn sites, porn, ring--IT information Internet pornography, and ring

Internet pornography and the rise of the Internet, but the survey found that Internet pornography is addictive and could lead to a series of psychological and physical problems.

Business Insider on a chart to reflect today's United States current status of Internet porn, and introduces the NoFap, one on the Reddit against Internet pornography organization composed of, how can we help those who indulge in sexual networks are off the hook.

Why do men easily hooked on pornography?

According to the Coolidge effect (Coolidge Effect) definition from the original physiological point of view, females are theoretically more "like the old and new pest", and this has been verified in different animals. So in theory, if the male side of the other half of the display, you will let him keep the freshness of the opposite sex.

Chart lists the heterosexual men excited diagram and found that if you frequently change a date (purple line), so this male of the opposite sex excitement will continue to maintain a smooth, even a small increase in if the date remains the same (red line), so this male of the opposite sex excitement appears to be cyclical downturn.

This is the deeper problems behind the porn sites to maintain prosperity.

Toss on the flesh trade is for spiritual satisfaction, became porn sites Gets the satisfaction on the safest, most convenient, Wade needs another man doesn't need to climb mountains (spirit) "in", and the two hit it off.

Then the friendships of men and porn sites have become a firm do not break the cycle: first of all, this method is convenient, quick, and now a lot of porn sites already take the freemium route; 420 million pages of Internet porn, you'll never see the rest.

In other words, you then every two days, perhaps website was updated. Back to the discussion of Figure 1, porn Web site will be continually refreshed male of the opposite sex excitement.

Now United States online sex industry has become stronger.

United States is currently the second largest porn YouPorn, for example, takes up the entire Internet 2% traffic alone for a second, transfer of 950TB data, 475 per second is equal to consumer-grade hard drive content delivery to London.

And this site's 100 million Internet users every day to watch, the equivalent of United States population of one-third. Survey found that 42% of male college students say has a habit of browsing pornographic Web sites, 19% said they will be tempted to be about sex, 12% will spend at least 5 hours per week browsing porn sites.

In front of the mighty porn Empire, someone decided to revolt.

Some people who decided to say no to sex dependent, coalition against pornography on Reddit NoFap. It is a mutual assistance organization, member organizations share their pain, and can also get help from members. But some of the NoFap derived from the Asian culture is also very interesting:

NoFap:fap on behalf of masturbation, masturbate NoFap as the name suggests is to say no.

Fapstronaut/Femstronaut:NoFap the separation of male and female members of the table compared to male/female "masturbation astronaut".

PMO: refers to pornography (Porn), masturbation (Masterbation), a climax (Orgasm) to form circles.

Death Grip: literally translated into the grip of death, but of course, this has nothing to do with the iPhone 4, referring to the male masturbation, and Death Schlick is the female version.

Reboot: reboot. From pornography when you get out of a period of "purification", the brain will return to normal. Usually a Reboot cycle for 60-120 days.

This anti-team lineup is also growing, 73,000 have gathered so far, "astronaut", the daily increase in membership at the speed of 140 people.

Why NoFap?

Because they believe that, long addicted to porn, would make people unhealthy. Frequent anxiety, depression, or other psychological effects may occur. But, more seriously, and rely on sex so that they lost the ability to make specific, or affect the nature of the other half.

Most important is that they want exciting and regain ownership of left/right.

NoFap last year about 1500 "astronaut" did a survey. Age distribution, 20-29 people are troubled by sexual content of the main groups, 58%, and 11% people over the age of 30 years old. Surprising is that accounted for the entire NoFap of the second-largest number, turned out to be young people aged 13-19 constituency.

75% per cent of the respondents said they joined the NoFap in order to regain the ability to deal with real female.

In this survey, almost half of them never had sex, straight men accounted for 90%, 16% 12 years ago they have been exposed to sexually explicit content, also have started this when I was at 53% road of no return.

Prior to joining NoFap, 59% of "astronauts" weekly watch 4-15 hours of pornography occupy them too much in their daily lives. But with the deeper you joined, 64% found that they watch porn taste heavy.

Up to 73% of "astronauts" has been suffering from the symptoms of sexual content to rely on.

Restart: break Internet pornography after relying on, what's changed?

In ring two weeks ago, 35% of "astronauts" will feel a strong impulse, but after 2-6 week, 30% people are beginning to feel the inexplicable urge to begin to decline.

After reboot, 60% the astronauts think NpFap makes them feel better, 56% people became more willing to communicate with the opposite sex, 60% said from a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of 67% on people who think they have more energy.

Summary: Internet porn is everywhere, and its convenience makes it addictive. Against Internet pornography organization such as NoFap, their investigation found addicted to pornography can lead to sexual dysfunction, a heterosexual relationship obstacles can also occur, there are also emotional repression issues. Of course, liberation from these problems is a there thing, as long as the will is strong enough, it can be overcome.


网络色情横行,一起戒色吧 - 网络色情,NpFap,色情网站,色情行业,戒色 - IT资讯


Business Insider上的一份图表则反映出当今美国网络色情的现状,以及介绍了NoFap,一个在Reddit上组成的反网络色情组织,如何帮助那些沉溺在色情网络中的人脱离苦海。


根据库立奇效应(Coolidge Effect)的定义,从原始的生理角度来说,雄性动物理论上更“贪新厌旧”,而这已经在不同动物身上验证。因此理论上如果男性身边的另一半经常变换,就会让他保持对异性的新鲜感。











NoFap:fap代表自慰,NoFap顾名思义就是向自慰say no了。



Death Grip:字面翻译为死亡之握,不过这当然与iPhone 4无关,指的是男性的自慰行为,而Death Schlick是女性版本。



Why NoFap?













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