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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/6 12:15:57 Edit(编辑)
Woman-cover live underground have been blocked several times on your own saw blade saw-Beijing-villagers

Woman-cover live underground have been blocked several times on your own saw blade saw-Beijing-villagers(住井下的老太太-井盖曾被封过数次,自己拿锯条锯开-北京-老乡)

Underground Granny: manhole covers had been blocked on several occasions saw blade saw for herself _ Beijing, fellow | | | scrap news

Yesterday, huayuan road, Beijing morning post on the Lido inhabited under the covers when the news release, has aroused strong reactions, large numbers of forwards and comments by netizens. Many readers to the morning news came calling, hoping for help at the underground dwellers. Mr Wang disappeared underground live, seven years old in Beijing has been more than 20 years, made a living by picking up waste products.

  Underground man disappeared

This morning, this reporter once again came to the scene, found a number of media reporters to visit, the woman take the rail fence quilt disappeared the day before yesterday, in underground living 20 years Mr Wang is also missing. Mr Wang lived less than 3 square metres, lying on the side of military blankets, lay on the other side with a green box, box with two pairs of old shoes on. Wall around the pipe lying on the clothing and household items.

"This morning he washes his car, about 8 points two strange men came and took him away, one at around 1.7 meters, another short, slightly chubby. "Sanitation workers near thanks to the Beijing Morning Post said. Reporter late provision of shelter for Wang's parking inquiries, that Mr King is not in accordance with the civilian police arrangement in place to live, still living in the well on the night.

  Granny picking up scrap for a living

Shortly after 9 o'clock in the evening, the woman appeared around the manhole cover, a dozen reporters waiting for arriving and scrambled to follow the old lady into bottom hole (see figure on the right). Reporters found that well about 2 square meters or so, only a few old quilt on the floor. "These quilts were picked up, there are others. "According to the old lady introduced, her home in Henan province Shangqiu, 66 years old, more than 20 years ago in Beijing. She said, well lived for about 20 years. "Around 5 o'clock in the morning every day to go out, to SanLiTun, tuanjiehu area to pick up others to drink bottles left, back around 9 o'clock in the evening, about forty or fifty miles a day. A bottle can sell for 8 cents per day can earn more than 10 bucks. "The old woman all the money out of his pocket to pull out a day, including a dollar, one corner of the banknote, there are a number of coins. Reporter rough statistics, a total of 18 Yuan.

In the old lady's carry-on bag, the reporter found two leftover steamed bun. "I mainly buy steamed bread to eat and come back at night and sometimes to the Lido open blisters inside instant noodles. This quite a lot of foreigners, they will sometimes send me some bread. "Talk about why to come to Beijing, she said:" my family is too poor to Beijing to pick up bottles also can earn hundreds of dollars a year. "She told the Beijing morning news reporter, she has two sons at home, eldest son, now about 40 years old, unmarried wife, second son, have two children. "Their living difficulties, can't support me. Last year, home, grandchildren knelt in front of me wanting to go to school, but I had no money, I save up to 900 Yuan for all of them. Grandson, now 8 years old, second grade, and her grandson aged 5. "The old lady said, manhole covers were sealed several times," but after they left, I wire saws with a saw blade open, and went on to live. Under the manhole cover can stay, well, I'll go to SanLiTun, I found that they have a place to live. "With that, woman shyly smiles.

  Two villagers who defected

In the middle of chatting with Lady, another man and a woman, two scavengers who come back. "They are all my compatriots, just came to Beijing not long, I met while out picking up trash. "Two scavengers proportionate to the brother and sister, are from the Minquan County in Shangqiu city in Henan province.

"The brother is 68 years old, I am 63, coming from the same place, so call him brother. He came to Beijing for about two months, I've only been a few days later, makes a living by picking up bottles. No place to live, it's really cold, so ' defected ' to her. "The reporters found that the two old ladies living in the same hole, old man living alone in the West side, not far from a well.

  Well-intentioned people lend a helping hand

Manhole lived year-round at the bottom of the message has been given many readers phoned me to the Beijing morning post, hoping to provide help for residents. Beijing City University said that if Wang is willing to, the school may provide residential accommodation for Wang, and give them a means of work, also would like to support Mr WONG's three children to school until graduation. Readers of Mr Zhou King also hopes to help children to school.

Both claim to be the construction personnel to regional offices, Chaoyang District, this measurement (see picture on the left) and construction staff, do not have this property. "We intend to install shield on a manhole cover, lock, leaving contact details, if relevant property unit need checking under, you can contact us. "As far as construction workers say the shield will make a 1 meter high, width up to 1.4 m long rectangular iron covers.

Morning news 96,101 news

Journalist Yang Yi/text

Photo by Wang Wei/

(Original title: Jing Jiang locked up good people live people to refuse lending)

(Edit: SN098)
December 06, 2013 Beijing morning post
住井下老太:井盖曾被封过数次 自己拿锯条锯开|北京|老乡|废品_新闻资讯















  记者 杨奕/文


(原标题:住人井将上锁 好心人伸援手)


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