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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/6 12:15:52 Edit(编辑)
Wang should nurture rather than undermine the mutual trust between China and Australia-Foreign Office-Australia

Wang should nurture rather than undermine the mutual trust between China and Australia-Foreign Office-Australia(王毅:中澳两国应培育而非损害互信-外交部-澳大利亚)

Wang should nurture rather than undermine the mutual trust between China and Australia | foreign | Australia | air defense identification zone _ news

December 6, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website news, Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi on December 6 with the Australia Foreign Minister co-chaired by Bishop in the Beijing first round of Sino-Australian diplomatic and strategic dialogue.

Wang Yi said that Sino-Australian diplomatic ties 41 years ago, bilateral relations have kept growing, bringing important benefits for both sides. Australia after the new Government took office, both sides will jointly promote the Sino-Australian strategic partnership reached important consensus.

Wang Yi pointed out that Sino-Australian relations has accumulated for decades one of the most important experiences is to respect each other's core interests, accommodate their major concerns, foster mutual trust, which is the basis of the bilateral strategic partnership is also prerequisite for development of cooperation in various fields. Australia in the East China Sea on air defense identification zones, undermined the mutual trust, affecting the healthy development of bilateral relations, the Chinese community and the Chinese people's deep dissatisfaction, I believe this is that both sides are unwilling to see.

Wang Yi said that current Sino-Australian relations are at a crucial time, China hopes Australia from a strategic and long-term point of view, walk with us, properly handle sensitive issues and actively enhance strategic mutual trust, expanding practical cooperation, ensure that Australia-China strategic partnership to maintain the correct direction of development.

Common concern both sides of the Korean peninsula, Syria, and Iran, as well as international and regional hotspot issues such as APEC, the Group of 20 had an exchange of views.

(Original title: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Australia China Air Defense Identification Zone damage mutual trust)

(Edit: SN098)
December 06, 2013 China News Network

  中新网12月6日电 据外交部网站消息,外交部长王毅12月6日与澳大利亚外长毕晓普在京共同主持首轮中澳外交与战略对话。







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