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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/6 12:15:50 Edit(编辑)
United States committed to provide technical assistance to the Chinese side to develop 6 emission limits-United States-emissions

United States committed to provide technical assistance to the Chinese side to develop 6 emission limits-United States-emissions(美方承诺提供技术协助中方制定国6排放标准-美方-尾气排放)

America is committed to providing technical assistance to the Chinese side to develop 6 emissions | | | American exhaust emission standard GB 6_ news

XI Jinping, Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 5-under construction between China and new powers of the President and President Obama reached a consensus to advance the development of Sino-US economic relationship, both through the economic dialogue under the framework of the China-us strategic and economic dialogue, strengthen energy and climate change, innovation and cooperation on food and drug safety were consulted. Press agreed to publish the joint statement on strengthening the Sino-US economic relations. Reads as follows:

  Information note on the strengthening of economic relations between China and United

  (December 5, 2013)

By XI Jinping, President and President Obama's consensus-building new relations between China and America, the parties undertake to carry out pragmatic cooperation to promote bilateral economic, and to jointly cope with the global economic challenges. Through economic dialogue under the framework of the China-us strategic and economic dialogue on energy and climate change, innovation, and agreed the following results of the issues related to food and drug safety. Both sides reiterated, will take concrete action to implement the China-us strategic and economic dialogue economic dialogue under the framework of the commitment to further support strong domestic and global economic growth, promote open trade and investment, and strengthen international rules and in global economic governance and to promote financial stability and reform.

  Strengthening cooperation in the field of energy and climate change

President XI Jinping, with President Barack Obama in June this year in United States California annaboge Manor the consensus on tackling climate change in the meeting, as well as the commitment July fifth round of China-us strategic and economic dialogue, both sides stressed that in addressing climate change, reducing local air pollution, moving towards low-carbon and energy-efficient economy, enhance the anti-risk ability to strengthen cooperation in areas such as energy market is very important. Parties recognise that enhanced action and cooperation in the areas of energy and climate change, including the enhanced energy security and achieving a cleaner environment is very important and in conformity with the common interests of both parties, hereby make the following commitments:

Both sides reaffirmed through the Working Group on climate change between China and the importance of deepening bilateral cooperation on climate change. The parties undertake to invest a lot of energy and resources, 5, made under the framework of the implementation of the Group's initiative, namely energy efficiency, Smart grids, data collection and management of greenhouse gas emissions, carbon capture, use and storage, as well as trucks, and other vehicles and emission reduction, and strive to achieve substantive results before the 2014 US-China strategic and economic dialogue.

To accelerate Sino-US Working Group on climate change action in trucks and other vehicle emission reduction initiatives, both sides committed under existing schedules, implement and enforce the use of low sulphur fuels and of motor vehicle exhaust emission standards. Both commitment strengthened cooperation, assist Chinese in conditions allows of situation Xia as soon as possible developed and implementation sixth stage motor vehicle exhaust emissions standard (GB 6), on load car fuel efficiency standard strengthened Exchange to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, advance implementation load diesel car clean action plans, and exploration developed and implementation non-road mobile machinery and the supporting with diesel engine clean action plans, this will reduced PM2.5 emissions, and significantly improved air quality and climate situation. Us is committed to providing technical assistance in order to achieve the above objectives, and continue to include the regional air quality, vehicle emissions control and modeling to provide technical assistance.

Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to the implementation of XI Jinping, and June 8, 2013, the Chairman and President Obama met with consensus reached on the issue of HFCs in it.

Both sides stressed the importance of multilateral agreements on climate change, are currently being discussed and look forward to in 2015, United Nations Conference on climate change in Paris. Both sides recognized the important role in this field between China and will keep the channels, including through high level consultations during the negotiations closely, in areas of consensus and disagreement are consultations and strengthen bilateral and cooperation with other countries, in order to achieve a successful result.

The two sides will improve transparency in the field of energy, including in the energy market transparency to strengthen cooperation. United States energy information administration, committed to sharing expertise in the collection and publication of energy data. China will promote capacity-building, to increase the frequency of publishing a more complete public energy data, and can be further strengthened and organized data initiative (JODI) cooperation. United States and China will adopt the policy, regulatory, technical and other aspects of information exchanges and the two annual technical meeting of the strategic petroleum reserve authorities, and cooperation on strategic oil reserves.

Both sides noted that China accelerate the natural gas industry and highlight the importance of the development of unconventional natural gas resources, and recognize China's shale gas development to China and play an active role in the global energy market. China welcomes the domestic and international private companies and investors to participate in shale gas exploration and development. Us promises cooperation with Chinese technology, standards, policies, and perfecting the relevant regulatory frameworks to promote the Chinese side to promote China's healthy and rapid development of shale gas exploration and development. Both sides pledge to jointly promote shale gas industry technology innovation, environmental monitoring and resource regulation, encouraging the success of shale gas development in the two countries, so as to jointly promote world-wide for unconventional gas resources such as shale gas, responsible development, security of energy supply security and energy market stability.

Us respect for Chinese growth in energy demand and economic concerns, particularly in the oil fields of trade and investment. Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to cooperate to promote the common goals of both, maintaining a secure and good supply of energy markets.

United States commitment to inform the Chinese side of the natural gas Act provided for in the free trade agreement countries and China and other non-FTA countries export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) for proceedings in the assessment. The Act specified United States Energy Department is responsible for assessing the application of LNG exports to non-FTA countries, this process in the same rule will be applied to each application. Now has a LNG exports to non-FTA countries for final approval, four applications were approved with conditions. United States energy is case-by-case assessment of the existing application. United States Department of energy National Energy Board will be informed about progress.

Commitment to actively encourage the United States exports to China, and oil and gas exploration and development of related technology and equipment. In view of this, the United States promised, upon receipt by the export administration regulations require all necessary information, translated Greek procurement for civilian end-users and end-uses for civilian use, but may be subject to export control in deepwater exploration and development of oil and gas and shale gas technology and equipment related to the specific applications receive and make decisions in a timely manner.

Both sides pledged in G20 involved in fossil-fuel subsidies in the framework of the peer review, specifications and phasing out over the medium term inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage waste, while providing specific help for the poorest.

  Protecting innovation and promoting food safety, drug trade

Agricultural seminar, July 2013 2012 Sino-American high level Sino-US strategic and economic dialogue, fruitful discussions on related topics, as well as the December 2013 on Commerce and trade to achieve positive and mutually beneficial results, the Board looks forward to, both sides stressed the deepening of cooperation in order to solve a range of common interest the importance of food and drug issues. Access to high quality and safe food and drugs is critical to economic development and the well-being of the people of the two countries. Therefore, for the promotion and protection of innovation and ensure that bilateral trade in food and drug safety and good regulation, United States and China together pledged to take the following measures:

Both sides promised standards of specifications and testing methods of the use of import and export of edible agricultural products, drugs and pesticides residue limits and regulatory aspects of communication and cooperation.

Chinese commitments, according to 18 reform goals of the third plenary session, advancing pharmaceutical ingredients (API) regulatory reform, implementation of the API for the record management system, and can be used as possibilities for a record framework API bulk chemicals. Both sides stressed that pharmaceutical companies in ensuring the quality of medicines should assume the core responsibility, and in this regard to the production company to put in place regulatory measures. United States food and Drug Administration pledged, according to its own power, is not registered with China's State food and drug administration of China Enterprise API, consider whether it be excluded to allow imports from that list.

China confirmed China's patent examination Guide allows patent applicants to submit additional data after filing a patent application, the patent application of the guidelines for examination in the People's Republic of China 84th legislative act to ensure protection of pharmaceutical inventions patented. China confirms that this interpretation in practice has been implemented.

From the promotion of Sino-medicine, medical exchanges and cooperation in areas such as product and food safety, and China pledged for the United States Embassy in August 20, 2013 and the note verbale referred to a note verbale dated November 19, 2012, United States food and drug administration, food inspectors, issuing visas, drug inspectors and food experts. These personnel will be stationed at the United States Embassy in China, who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities. Meanwhile, the United States promised, China on a reciprocal basis to Chinese Ambassador United States embassies enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities of the personnel deployed. Commitment of the parties not later than January 17, 2014 MOU presence define their own scope of activities.

Sino-US commitment to the integrated fiscal 2013 and continuing appropriations Act in discussions of China-related articles.

Both sides recognized the importance of promoting non-discriminatory government procurement policies. Both sides commitment to China on the United States given in the Government procurement of Chinese enterprises in non-discriminatory treatment in the United States concerned to undertake further consultations.

(Edit: SN064)
December 05, 2013 The website

  新华网北京12月5日电 按照习近平主席和奥巴马总统达成的建设中美新型大国关系的共识,为推进中美经济关系的发展,中美双方通过中美战略与经济对话框架下经济对话,就加强在能源和气候变化、创新和食品药品安全方面的合作进行了磋商。按商定发布《关于加强中美经济关系的联合情况说明》。全文如下:

























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