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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/6 12:15:46 Edit(编辑)
Two missing boys the gutter in Hohhot was raised ashore, dead-Hohhot-boys

Two missing boys the gutter in Hohhot was raised ashore, dead-Hohhot-boys(呼和浩特两失踪男孩臭水沟被打捞上岸,已死亡-呼和浩特-男孩)

Two missing boys the gutter was raised ashore, Hohhot Hohhot, has died | | | boy gutter _ news

CNS, Huhehaote, December 6 (reporter Zhang Linhu)-after about 40 hours of pumping water, ice, 5th, village in saihan district of Hohhot before the Tower's gutter, missing a 5-day boy history Meng, Yang Hao was raised ashore, two boys have died.

The afternoon of November 30, saihan district of Hohhot no Tower before two young boys of the village history Meng, Yang h did not return after playing outside, families looking for nothing and called the police. Immediately, Bureau of saihan district of Hohhot City Public Security Bureau Police investigate the case. In the process of tracing, witnesses said was the 30th saw it there are two boys in the former Tower air play village, near the West side of the gutter, but not sure if it is the missing history Meng, Yang h two.

In later times, police have endeavoured to focus on to the gutter, water pumping, sewerage, icebreaking, salvage ... ... Starting from the 3rd to do preparations, starting at 10 o'clock the pumps, after about 40 hours of time, 5th, discovered the bodies of two boys.

This reporter learned that, from migrant worker families, two boys were in elementary school, usually academic results and performance are excellent. (End text)

(Original title: two missing boys in the gutter was raised ashore in Hohhot had died)

(Edit: SN098)
December 06, 2013 China News Network
呼和浩特两失踪男孩臭水沟被打捞上岸 已死亡|呼和浩特|男孩|臭水沟_新闻资讯

  中新网呼和浩特12月6日电 (张林虎)经过约40个小时的抽水、破冰,5日下午3点,在呼和浩特市赛罕区前不塔气村的臭水沟里,失踪了5天的男孩史学猛、杨浩被打捞上岸,两名男孩均已死亡。




(原标题:呼和浩特两失踪男孩在臭水沟被打捞上岸 已死亡)


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