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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/6 12:15:30 Edit(编辑)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Japan has no right to gossiping about China’s air defense identification zone-the Ministry of Foreign Affairs-judge

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Japan has no right to gossiping about China’s air defense identification zone-the Ministry of Foreign Affairs-judge(外交部:日本无权对中国防空识别区说三道四-外交部-说三道四)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Japan has no right to China's air defense identification zone talk | foreign | talk | Japan _ news

On December 6, 2013, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei's regular press conference under the auspices.

  Q: South Africa after the death of former President Nelson Mandela, the Chinese Government launched a Memorial?

A: China has expressed deep condolences on the death of former President Mandela. , XI Jinping, Li keqiang, Chairman and Prime Minister respectively to South Africa President Jacob Zuma expressed sincere condolence sympathy. Funeral arrangements in the South, the Chinese leader will attend the mourning activities. Li yuanchao, Vice President this afternoon, will travel to South Africa Embassy in Beijing to mourn. Today, Chinese Ambassador to South Africa and consular flags flying half-mast mourning.

  Q: it is reported that Korea is considering extending its air defense identification zones to cover a larger area. Will China accept the ROK practices? If you do not accept, react?

Answer: airspace in the air defense identification zone is not, but in the airspace of a State outside the scope of public identification and early warning of airspace designated, has nothing to do with jurisdiction of sea and sky. South Korea extended air defence identification zone practices should be in line with international law and practice. China is ready to work in a spirit of equality and mutual respect for the principle of dialogue with South Korea.

  Q: the Yemen capital Sanaa 5th against the Yemen Defense Ministry attacks, causing heavy casualties. China's comment on this?

A: China opposes all forms of terrorism, the Yemen capital Sanaa Yemen Defense Ministry condemned the terrorist attacks. Currently, Yemen is at a crucial stage of political transition in the hope that Yemen relating to joint efforts of all parties, the early realization of national stability and development.

  Q: it is reported that the Beijing emergency medical teams and Red Cross Society of China international search and rescue teams have ended in disaster relief mission in the Philippines. About them and "peace Ark" hospital ship, the work done in the Philippines?

Answer: Typhoon "petrel" hit several regions of the central Philippines after China sent its Government emergency medical teams, the Red Cross, the International Rescue Corps and the Navy "peace Ark" hospital ship rushed to the typhoon, the worst-hit areas to carry out medical and rescue work.

Three teams in the central town of Abuyog, Leyte province, the town of Paro and the Tacloban City amounts to treating patients with more than 5,000 employees. Among them, the Beijing emergency medical teams were attending to a patient in Abuyog town 1831, outpatient services provided 2,144 passengers, in addition to hundreds of auxiliary medical checks were conducted. In addition to the Red Cross Society of China international search and rescue team in Tacloban City, the establishment of fixed medical points, also sent two teams to the local clinics in more remote towns and villages were attending to a patient more than 1800 employees. In addition, the rescue team had also been carried out at the local sanitation and epidemic prevention and search and rescue work. Them with excellent medical care and heal the spirit, suffering from the disaster stricken people in disaster areas to Philip comfort, pass the friendly feelings of the Chinese Government and people for the Philippine people. Their work was warmly welcomed by local people and Governments and highly positive.

At present, the "ship of peace" still perform rescue missions in disaster areas, emergency medical team, and the Chinese Government first closed the Red Cross Society of China international search and rescue team is ready to go. The second batch of Red Cross Society of China international search and rescue teams had left the Philippines. We will continue to work according to the situation and needs of the people of the Philippines to the disaster area to provide humanitarian support and assistance.

  Q: Please tell Chinese leaders with the Ukraine President Yanukovych talks about the situation.

Answer: on December 5, President XI Jinping held talks with President Viktor Yanukovich. President XI Jinping says 2011, since the bilateral strategic partnership, fast-track into the long-term healthy and stable development of bilateral relations and cooperation in various fields is progressing, a bright future. China is ready to join hands with Wu, from a strategic height and long-term perspective, adhere to mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and win-win situation, to strengthen cooperation in various fields, ensuring steady development of bilateral relations have been moving in the right track and the direction for the benefit of peoples of the two countries.

President XI Jinping put forward four-point proposal on further deepening bilateral relations. First is to strengthen high-level exchanges and enhance strategic mutual trust, in respect of national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, firmly supported each other on major issues, support each other's independent choice of development path, support each other's efforts to achieve development and revitalization. Other recommendations included, promoting pragmatic cooperation, expanding humanistic exchanges and close collaboration in international and regional affairs.

Yanukovych the President fully endorses President XI Jinping, recommendations to further deepen bilateral relations, said black people have a brotherly friendship, mutual trust and mutual respect, friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation and remarkable achievements, further deepening Ukrainian strategic partnership conforms to the fundamental interests of the two peoples.

In addition, the two heads of State signed the bilateral Treaty of friendship and cooperation, the bilateral Joint Declaration on further deepening strategic partnership, announced the ratification of the bilateral strategic partnership development plan (2014-2018). The two heads of State witnessed by a total of 8 cooperation documents were signed.

Wu both believe that President Yanukovych's visit to China a success and fruitful. Which enhance the level of bilateral relations, enrich the connotation of bilateral strategic partnership for the two countries opens up broad prospects for further cooperation in a wide range of areas.

  Q: China South Africa, former President Nelson Mandela said what?

Answer: Mr Mandela was South Africa famous leaders in the struggle against apartheid, new South Africa founder, world-famous distinguished statesman. He was not only South Africa people honored as "father", also won the reverence and affection of the peoples of the world. Mr Mandela is an old friend of the Chinese people, for in the South made a historic contribution to the establishment and development of the relationship between them. We express deep condolences on the death of Mr Mandela, South Africa Government and people and express our sincere condolences to the families of Mr Mandela.

  Q: Japan House of representatives today passed a resolution urging China to withdraw East air defense identification zone. China have any response?

A: China East air defense identification zone the reasonable and legitimate rights, in accordance with international law and practice. On this issue, the Japanese side has no right to make irresponsible remarks, China firmly opposes. Japan should do at present is to stop erroneous practices and stop haunting and provocative, for the development of Sino-Japanese relations, maintain the order and security of the air space concerned do the real thing.

  Asked: in order to ease tensions between Japan and China and Japan held bilateral talks open in any form?

Answer: between China and Japan has been sensitive issues in bilateral ties and bilateral relations maintained communication. Problem now is that Japan cannot face up to history and reality, about taking the right approach on the issue. We again urge the Japanese side to face up to history and face up to reality, with China, on relevant issues concerning the Diaoyu Islands, historic find controls and effective ways of solving the problem.

Air Defense identification zone on the East China Sea issue, I have already set out the position.

Hong Lei announced last notification:

Information Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Foreign Affairs Office of Beijing municipality on December 12 (Thursday) from 18:30 at a press conference held jointly by the Metropolitan Art Museum in 2014, Dongcheng District, foreign new year reception and establishment of the spokesman system 30 anniversary photo exhibit. You journalists are welcome to attend.

(Edit: SN064)
December 06, 2013 Ministry of Foreign Affairs website




























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