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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/5 11:13:06 Edit(编辑)
When upgrading to 4G the best? ,

When upgrading to 4G the best? ,(什么时候升级到4G最好?,)

When upgrading to 4G the best?
-4G,3G, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom 's-IT information When upgrading to 4G the best?

Yesterday afternoon, three carriers are China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom have been looking forward to it the fourth generation mobile communication business licence (4G), I was slightly surprised, China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom have won TD-LTE licences, although this probably just issued 4G licenses in the first step, but the move indicates that China's telecom industry has entered the 4G era.

There is no doubt that this was a landmark moment, from three carriers so that they can justify letting go at 4G, and associated brand-building, policy and tariff adjustments, but for every one of our users, is not just to enjoy the carefree feeling of 4G?

Signals have to fly

Because China Mobile have fly off the handle in the 3G passion for 4G, so very early on the construction of TD-LTE, not only covered in multiple cities, and in a period of 1-2 in recent months, coverage is expanding rapidly. Taking Beijing as an example, a month ago, coverage was limited to within three rings and individual focus areas, but is now rapidly expanding parts of the rings, if you live within this range, it's safe to say the sky belongs to 4 g in your head.

Mobile phones have been sold

4G signal, also have a 4G phone line. If you walk into a mobile business Hall, should see the heat market, after all, is the user's replacement by the end of the peak, this time if you buy a a cell phone really can step into "local despot" category.

In most rooms, you can see 7-8 customized China Mobile's TD-LTE phones cover big manufacturers such as Samsung, Sony, HTC, 2000-5000 Yuan while the price is to cover the high school grades, and can say that 4G on the purchase of user threshold is not too high, because most of the 4G and no more expensive than 3G.

If it is a passionate collector of "friends", may feel that the existing 4G a little old phone model or is not configured to force, that's okay, a big wave 4G the new machine is running, and lead is Samsung GALAXY Note 3 and Sony Xperia Z1 such hot new synchronization available for sale at the 4G is most likely in the future.

We were moving the 4G version of the Apple iPhone ? Can't you make me? Don't worry, this issue is a little more complex, alone behind us.

4G to buy?

No 4G device cannot enjoy high-speed mobile network, but now supports TD-LTE model does not count much, a case study of Beijing Mobile, a total of 8 sales models.

Most attractive model for HTC 8,088, namely HTC One Max 4G, sold for 5,288 Yuan, powered by Gao Tongxiao Dragon 8064T 5.9 inches 1080P full HD screen and quad-core processors, the only weakness is called with 4 million pixel camera, you need to have some mental capacity for quality.

And corresponding large-screen phone is the Samsung 7108D, namely Note2 version 4G, which is one of the oldest models, cell phones are still selling 4,999 Yuan a year ago, compared to HTC 8088lai say we do not recommend, if it wants to start with the Samsung 4G phone is looking forward to Note 3, version 4G, please.

Price sold there same as 4,500 Yuan for large screen phones ZTE U9815, which is also a "revamp", it is ZTE Grand Memo released at the beginning of 4G, this phone has a wide variety of formats and configurations are most similar to those of TD only 2,519 dollars price in East Beijing, apparently hung up on 4G after the title is not really enough. If the price of 4,500 Yuan to analyze, ZTE U9815 configuration is a bit outdated.

In addition to high-end models that more than 4,000 yuan, midrange coverage, feels strange uniform, except for Sony M35t, Hisense x6t, Huawei G716, cool 87,363 product price total to 2,999, plus at $ 2,299 Tianyu Touch1, four product configurations are very similar, All 5-720P 5.5-inch screen, a moderate processor specifications, primary camera is 80.013 billion pixels, in this configuration, this 4 price somewhat expensive.

And the midrange model of the only international brand Sony M35t, configuration and 4 domestic brands similar to above, just slightly smaller screen size, and add a bright and transparent with a unique design, so that price is an eye-catching product, and be fair price is acceptable.

So 8 handsets does not cover to the entry level, which is a lack of low-end models less than 2000, this area needs to be enriched.

Good iPhone 5s/5C?

IPhone5s/5C complex situations, how can a "mess", if you wanted to use 4G, now really is not an easy thing.

For a mainland licensed importers, currently on sale are China Unicom and Telecom 3G version, namely UMTS/HSPA+ (A1528/A1526) and CDMA EVDO (A1533/A1532) applications, as these are not compatible with TD-LTE specifications, totally missed with the current 4G.

And for now the only hope is that Hong Kong, China/Singapore and other places are available for sale at the support of the iPhone TD-LTE specification 5s/5C (A1530/A1529), and in individual cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, in the case of using the SIMcard, can be successfully used 4G, but not yet in Beijing.

We also bought the same card put to test, but you can only search for China Mobile 3G signal, 4 g is simply irresponsible. Because in the end in operators base station, is for iPhone 5s/iPhone5c matching device and optimize, which not every urban deployment is complete, if you have to use 4G in this way, then could only wait. This is one reason why China Mobile did not officially release iPhone 5s/5C reasons, the specifications of both the licensed importers and China/Hong Kong/Singapore version is fully consistent, it is A1530/A1529, if you really like the outside world as rumors on 18th officially for sale, then you "SIMcard" party time should also be able to search for 4G signals.

Wait a minute, where the package?

4G mobile phone, coupled with mobile 4G signal coverage, does "Mr big" anymore? The good news is, you have to do is free in the Hall for a 4G SIM card, there's no need to change, we will be able to enter 4G; the bad news is, flows that are really easy to use, "local despot" not so good, all kinds of traffic monitoring software!

4G licensing the most realistic sense, is an operator can justify launching all kinds of 4G package, due to "commercial trials" phase, so operators still follows a 3G package structure and tariff, although operators throw in some extra traffic, but because there was no formal "birthright", so users still cannot put his heart on the inside. This officially licensed, operators are the first thing to do, it is probably in terms of tariff "give everyone a say" we would wait for the GB level flow of luxury packages released.

Which to choose carriers?

Talking about it may be premature, despite three TD-LTE license, but obviously not a rhythm. Itching try small area 4G China Mobile phones, only after business, largely into; while the other two due to the 3G of life to flourish, so are not in a rush to enter the 4G, so that within a short time we haven't been able to get 4G to China Unicom and China Telecom services.

And even three players of the future go hand in hand at the TD-LTE building, network coverage and rates will be only minor differences, options depends on how it's FDD-LTE licence key distribution, which is China Unicom and China Telecom really cares about the place. Though the exact situation but also the FDD-LTE how about dividing frequency band, into line with current international mainstream formats.

So overall, if you want to use 4G now, only China Mobile is an optional, 3G licensing and 4 years ago when the situation is exactly the same.

4 g is my food?

Everything is done, you can calmly asked me, 4G what the hell? I will tell you just one cigarette will kill 2GB, friends eyes stare out?

Joke, joke, we feel that the following categories of persons may be 4G.

1, business people often need high-speed mobile network. Imagine you notebooks kept by the hundreds of thousands of megabytes of important information needed to clients, even if it is connected to a public WIFI speed is slow as molasses, this time the 4G network in a matter of minutes, and can help you send out, there is nothing more impressive than this one? One, by the way, money is not the thing.

2, online video enthusiasts. Download offline movies connected to WIFI when I get home, take again the next day on my way to work, this really cannot be called "online video". 4G HD online video can be "zero-delay", almost no difference with local video, places no longer have to worry about my poem "edge network".

3, video publishers. Whether Twitter is micro-letters on social-networking sites for photos and GIF animations have been unable to meet all the gossip, join the video released to the media of the future, is the most Bo the eye, eyeballing a bunch of "Rendez-vous" fans ready.

4, net addicts. Now few GB network drive are embarrassed and say hello, but few people fill it, because regardless of the upload or download is quite time consuming. But in front of the 4G, these volumes are small case for true mobile cloud storage room to expand, rather than trying to buy 16GB or 32GB cell.

In fact everyone will slowly shift to 4G users in the future, as the Internet, cell phones and packages will slowly "4G" unless you don't have mobile Internet, or 4G is not the only option.

Integrated see, 4G made cards just gun and accelerated agent, can let user more early, and better of with Shang 4G service, but for network cover, and tariff standard, and terminals and corresponding of service for, in recently a two months of time in should will has surging General of changes, if you really of on 4G interested in, now most at your fingertips of things is to Hall for a Zhang 4G SIM card, then waiting favorite of that a paragraph 4G phone appeared.


什么时候升级到4G最好? - 4G,3G,中国移动,中国联通,中国电信 - IT资讯








如果是发烧级的“机友”,可能会觉得现有的4G手机型号稍微老旧或是配置不给力,没关系,一大波4G新机正在狂奔赶来,带头的就是三星GALAXY Note 3和索尼Xperia Z1这类炙手可热的新品,未来同步发售4G手机也是极有可能的。




最抢眼的机型为HTC 8088,也就是HTC One max的4G版,售价为5288元,搭载高通骁龙8064T 1.7GHz四核处理器与5.9英寸1080P全高清屏幕,唯一短板就是所谓的400万超像素相机,需要对画质有一定心理承受能力。

与之相对应的大屏手机就是三星7108D,也就是Note2的4G版,可说是一款老掉牙的机型,一年前的手机目前仍售4999元,对比HTC 8088来说我们完全不推荐,如果实在想入手三星的4G手机就请期待Note 3的4G版吧。

而价格卖到4500元这个级别的还有同为大屏手机的中兴U9815,这也是一款“翻新”之作,它是年初发布的中兴Grand Memo的4G版,这款手机有着多种制式和配置,而最为相近的TD版在京东的售价只有2519元,显然挂了4G头衔之后不够实在。如果以4500元的价格来分析,中兴U9815的配置也未免有点过时。




说好的iPhone 5s/5c呢?


对于大陆行货来说,目前发售的都是联通与电信的3G版本,也就是UMTS/HSPA+(A1528/A1526)和CDMA EVDO(A1533/A1532)制式,这些都是不兼容TD-LTE规格的,与目前4G完全无缘。

而当下唯一可以抱有希望的就是中国香港/新加坡等地发售的支持TD-LTE规格的iPhone 5s/5c(A1530/A1529),在广州、深圳等个别城市,在使用卡贴的情况下,是可以成功使用4G的,但是在北京目前还不行。

我们也购买过同款卡贴进行测试,但是只能搜索到中国移动的3G信号,4G是根本不靠谱的。因为在运营商基站的那一端,是要对iPhone 5s/iPhone5c设备进行匹配和优化的,而这个工作并不是每个城市都部署完成了,如果你一定要用这种方法使用4G,那么只能等待。这也是为什么目前中国移动还没有正式发售iPhone 5s/5c的原因,这两款行货的规格与中国香港/新加坡版完全一致,都是A1530/A1529,如果真像外界传言的那样在本月18日正式发售,那么各位“卡贴党”到时候也应该能搜索到4G信号了。


有了4G手机,再加上中国移动4G信号的覆盖,是不是就“普大喜奔”了呢?好消息是,你只要在营业厅里免费换一张4G SIM卡,无需换号就能进入4G时代了;坏消息是,流量真得悠着点用,“土豪”不是那么好当的,各类流量监控软件走起!














综合来看,4G发牌只是发令枪和加速剂,可以让用户更早、更好的用上4G服务,但对于网络覆盖、资费标准、终端设备以及相应的服务来说,在最近一两个月的时间里应该会有风起云涌一般的变化,如果你真的对4G感兴趣,眼下最唾手可得的事情就是去营业厅换一张4G SIM卡,然后等待心仪的那一款4G手机出现。


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