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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/5 11:11:52 Edit(编辑)
Bank of reporters: coins deposited three major risks,

Bank of reporters: coins deposited three major risks,(央行答记者问:比特币存三大风险,)

Bank of reporters: coins deposited three risk-the Bank, coins-IT information Bank of reporters: coins deposited three major risks

On December 5, people's Bank of China and other five ministries recently issued the notification against the risk of the bitcoin, Central Bank coins related matters in answering a reporter's question, that bitcoin transactions deposited three major risks: high speculative risk; higher risk for money laundering and illegal criminals or organizational risks.

Following is a Central Bank press full text:

Q: my current coins how to define the nature of?

Answer: bitcoin has not focused publishers, limited total anonymity, without geographical restrictions, and four main features. Although some coins known as "money", but because it was not issued by monetary authorities, does not have a law against mandatory currency properties, such as, are not really money. From the perspective of nature, bitcoin is a specific virtual goods, does not have the cash equivalent legal status cannot and should not be used as currency in circulation.

Q: bitcoins will focus on the risk of what? Whether it will have an impact on China's existing financial system?

Answer: at present, the public coins lack sufficient understanding of the community, a number of individuals for follow the mental possession, use or speculation and trading coins. Coins belonging to a specific virtual goods the property, there may be the following risks:

A speculative risk is higher. Bitcoin transactions market a smaller capacity, traffic 24 hours open, there is no price limit, vulnerable to speculators to control prices, volatility, the great risk. Ordinary investors blindly follow the easy to suffer heavy losses. At the same time, bitcoin transactions market is still in a spontaneous State, there may be a security risk and counterparty risk, funds of the clearing and settlement chain risk, investor's rights to be effectively guaranteed.

Second, higher risk for money laundering. Because the bitcoin transactions are anonymous and not restricted by geographical features, its difficult to monitor capital flows and facilitates for money laundering and terrorist financing activities.

Three are criminals or by illegal organizations using risk. At present, have emerged on the international use of bitcoins for criminal activities such as drugs, firearms transactions, related cases had been investigated and dealt with. At the same time, bitcoin uneven trading site, some sites had not been legally registered, suspected illegal business; some poor site safety precaution and risk-resistance abilities, prone to hacker attacks or events such as site operators to abscond with the money.

From the perspective of the current situation, due to the smaller amount of bitcoins, limited size of the market, financial institutions are not directly involved in the bitcoin transactions and investment activities, therefore, risks associated with coins is still not up to the level of shock in China's financial system.

Q: people's Bank and other five ministries and the notification of risks on the prevention of the bitcoin main content what is included?

A: people's Bank has been highly concerned about the coins and keep track of relevant regulatory policy measures around the world. December 3, people Bank in conjunction with Ministry, and silver prison will, and SFC and CIRC, issued has rules of the industrial and information Department China banking supervision Management Committee China Securities supervision Management Committee China insurance supervision Management Committee on against bit coin risk of notification under (Silver (2013) No. 289,, following abbreviation "notification under"), except clear bit coin of network virtual merchandise property outside, notification under main clear has following content:

First, it clearly requires that current financial institutions and payment institutions shall not conduct the bitcoin-related business shall not be coins to price your product or service, may not be sold or used as central opponent coins for sale, shall not be covered with coins or coins into relevant insurance business insurance coverage.

Secondly, expressly requested bitcoin registration, transaction services, such as Internet sites should be in telecommunications regulatory filings, and ensure the implementation of anti-money laundering obligations, identification, reporting of suspicious transactions to the user.

Third, clear requirements related sector and financial institutions, and paid institutions in routine in the right using currency concept, focus on strengthened to social public currency knowledge of education, will right known currency, and right regarded virtual goods and virtual currency, and rational investment, and reasonable control investment risk, and maintenance itself property security, concept into financial knowledge universal activities of content, guide social public set right of currency concept and investment concept.

Q: people's Bank will soon bitcoin transactions what regulatory measures?

Answer: bitcoin transactions as a sale of goods on the Internet, at your own risk, subject to the general population, with the freedom to participate in. Next, people's Bank, in conjunction with related ministries, urged financial institutions, payment institutions to provide coins and registration, transaction Internet stations such as effective implementation of the provisions of the notice. At the same time, people's bank based on their responsibilities and continue to pay close attention to trends and risks associated with bitcoin, further strengthening of the currency to the public knowledge of education, guide public establish a correct conception of currency and investment ideas.


央行答记者问:比特币存三大风险 - 央行,比特币 - IT资讯



















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