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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/2 10:10:12 Edit(编辑)
Yongcheng poison woman owner had been discharged _ Sina news

Yongcheng poison woman owner had been discharged _ Sina news(永城服毒女车主已出院_新浪新闻)

Yongcheng poison woman owner had been discharged _ news

According to Xinhua News Agency December 1 Yong Cheng city of Henan province, Zhengzhou fine clothing of one of the owners of goods vehicles was unbearable Highway pesticide suicides rise to broader social concerns. Xinhua was informed on 1st, poisoned women owners Wen Li is now out of danger and out of the hospital.

Press call on Wen Li's brother Liu Huaizhou, according to Liu Huaizhou introduced their siblings last April jointly funded loan bought two trucks, per vehicle more than 300,000 yuan, loan-payment of more than 200,000 yuan, monthly mortgage payment more than 20,000 yuan, was going to get one. On November 14, their governance and highways by yongcheng transportation enforcement officers stopped and drivers paid by presenting to the transport sector in year one of 3,000 tickets and to pay 3,000 yuan monthly from highways departments, both departments still maintain fine. Wen Li to vehicles only more than 300 bucks in his pocket that day, clemency after failed, chose to take oral pesticides suicide.

At present, the transportation, the Government of Shangqiu city, Henan province has been sent to the city always investigate the incident. Yongcheng has set up a joint investigation team on the ground, and entrusted the eternal city traffic Bureau, highway authority party to write a deep check on the relevant person liable seriously.

(Original title: yongcheng poison woman owner had been discharged)

(Edit: SN098)
December 02, 2013 Shenzhen Special Zone daily






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