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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/2 10:09:47 Edit(编辑)
XI references Henan’s neixiang NGA couplets, officials groups

XI references Henan’s neixiang NGA couplets, officials groups(习近平引用河南内乡县衙对联,各地官员组团参观)

XI references neixiang County, neixiang County, Henan province NGA couplet officials familiarization visits | | County | couplets _ news

XI Jinping, General Secretary of the references at a seminar, neixiang NGA province Hall in front of the "pros and cons" couplet recent fame, attracting many official group study visits. Little known is that this name had disappeared 80 years ago, ultimately depend on two of the oldest old memories, to light.

Oriental Morning Post reporters Zhang Ding correspondent Miao Yeqian/vintu

  Nine together "pros and cons"

Yesterday, neixiang Nga provinces before the fame, 64 year old curator Wang Jiaheng exceptionally busy.

That morning, he told visitors before the Church again and again against the past and present.

Since November 26, XI Jinping, Party Secretary of Shandong heze city, after you read this, far away in Henan's neixiang NGA, transient went on a stock boom unsightly couplets.

From 1987 onwards, in 2002, Wang Jiaheng has chaired neixiang NGA curator at the height of neixiang NGA protection, repair, about "pros and cons" to reproduce after, old memories.

Wang Jiaheng said shortly after his curator, also commented on the county building regulations, the layout, the main features of the building and Interior exhibition of original CHAN, widely travelled throughout the County.

As early as October 18, 1984, master Zhou Zhaoxi, Wang Youcai, nine of the county who had been invited to the County for the elderly, at the Forum, Zhou Zhaoxi remarks also raise everyone's interest.

Zhou Zhaoxi spoke on that occasion, from County very near to his home, he often mingled in the County as a child playing, can still remember Church front there is a couplet in the three County. Because the text reads conversational, young, he can recite the word.

That couplet is: eat people food, wear people clothes, Murdoch's people an easy prey, he was the people; not Ron, lost one officer does not insult, not a useless, all on one.

Participating elders confirmed that Wang Youcai couplets, but then in early years also known as the, and was seen no more.


At that time, neixiang NGA seminar called "nine", and sanseido recovery couplets, as one of the County overall recovery with these exhibitions programme.

However, the "nine" after nearly 7 years, "pros and cons" does not appear.

In April 1991, neixiang NGA to convene Symposium, Beijing Palace Museum, research fellow, Member of national cultural relics appraisement Commission Zhu Jiajin, Museum of Chinese history researcher, national cultural relics appraisement Commission Vice Chairman Shi Shuqing, a number of experts to the scene.

Wang Jiaheng seized the opportunity, sanseido couplets related matters to the experts for advice, experts praise after hearing plus, this is for the rare Government Office in feudal China.

Zhu Jiajin told Wang Jiaheng: this must be an ambitious, as the Government, must be in accordance with the original production, if the hanging at sanseido, there must be significant.

Is a pity, at sanseido has become dangerous building in urgent need of repair, old Chu's exhortations could not be implemented in a timely fashion. Until May 1992, neixiang NGA described according to old people, status quo has produced a pair of couplets, and on hold before hanging on the Church in the three pillars.

Fruits such as predicted by the old Chu, this suspended, within a short time by the vast number of visitors the favorite praise.

On December 17, 1993, three eminent – Shan shiyuan, ancient Chinese architecture by Luo zhewen, Zheng Xiaoxie visits neixiang NGA, which is full of praise, old or even what he saw "only".

Since then, the number of visits of party and State leaders from neixiang County, NGA, have given this highly praised and many legends.

  Mystery of the person

The couplets hung out, despite the reputation of countless, but who is the author has always been a mystery.

The night of May 25, 1999, when Wang Jiaheng received any call from Nanyang municipal Committee, mayor Wang Jumei, neixiang NGA Wang Jumei requirements as soon as possible to clarify source of sanseido couplets.

That evening, Wang Jiaheng immediately organized the meeting, decided to invite old man familiar with the County Forum for advice.

The next morning, when the Forum nine Zhou Zhaoxi, apart from such old dead, the remaining six old meeting on time. When you talk, in which Ma Xirui old man telling, childhood, he listened to the County Clerk for scribe's grandfather has been said many times, sanseido the popular pair of couplets, which was written by Kochi. Wang was 87 years old when old memories, impressions on sanseido couplets, and inscribed "Quebec high wing" five words.

Recombination on the neixiang County during the Qing dynasty "high wing, repaired, jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, people, 12 year of Kangxi (1673) Quebec, (LI PU will try to take away). 19 year of Kangxi (1680), known from neixiang County, "and other information, after repeated deliberation, verification, Wang Jiaheng they finally confirm: neixiang sanseido couplets for the Kangxi reign of the Kangxi 12 years in Quebec, and 19 years in neixiang County magistrate written by Gao Yiyong.

Afterwards Wang Jiaheng learned that city leaders have asked for as soon as possible to clarify source of couplets at that time, because shortly after one of the principal leaders of party and country trips passing through Nanyang.

In 2000, the Beijing Palace Museum researcher Zhang zhihe, was invited to write this when the words "magistrate high with 19 years of Kangxi wing" commentary.

  Encourage each other to couplets cautionary

In fact, in neixiang County official's son in "couplet" goes far beyond this one. Neixiang County official's son, all kinds of couplets are everywhere, a total of 35.

Neixiang NGA described Wang Xiaojie, Chief Curator of the Museum, culture, offices of couplets culture are two major characteristics in neixiang County, offices of cultural highlights on couplets in the official's son, in front of the main building has a pair of couplets. Antithesis neatly these couplets, writing in bold. Terms such as "Government not to speak in more closely from the province are self-denying and out officials in General, thinking everything people meter off. "" Deceiving others, such as bullying, do not be deceived;-the-country, heren. "And so on, mostly for politicians, others encourage each other wisecrack.

Wang Xiaojie said that even today, people are still in these couplets from dialectical comprehension of how to be a good officer.

Couplet culture, institution of culture are two major characteristics in neixiang County, offices of cultural highlights on couplets in the official's son, in front of the main building has a pair of couplets.

(Original title: neixiang NGA "pros and cons" opportunity to reproduce)

December 02, 2013 East today
习近平引用河南内乡县衙对联 各地官员组团参观|内乡|县衙|楹联_新闻资讯


  东方早报记者 张定有 通讯员 苗叶茜/文图




































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