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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/2 10:09:20 Edit(编辑)
Wuhan City will open more than more than 1300 units last year, an average of 5 a day

Wuhan City will open more than more than 1300 units last year, an average of 5 a day(武汉市直单位去年开1300多个会,平均每天5个)

Wuhan City unit last year to open more than more than 1300 per day 5 | | |-Wuhan interests _ news

Not long ago, the Wuhan City reflected only last year, the Unit received more than 1300 more meeting notice, 5 a meeting per working day. More grass-roots cadres admitted that "struggling to run every day, up to 9 a meeting day, simply cannot find the time to do solid work, only work overtime in the evening". Went to the meeting issued, who is going to implement it?

Floods this summer, two adjacent villages casualties differed, Jia casualties missing many village b is zero death, alas. Against torrential rain in the province, the dangerous situation quickly issued a circular, requiring "timely transfer threatened mass", but wait until the notification is already very late in town. Results, Jia "village cadres limited manpower, it is difficult to go door-to-door notification to" rapid door-to-door organizing villagers shifted village, 9 village, "has several families didn't want to go, we drag out." The moment of crisis, so layers of the notifications issued to implement the passage of precious time will have been in vain; color deficiencies, lack of action to be implemented, it will directly endanger the lives of the people. Formalism and bureaucracy kill people, is no lesson is not impressive.

Through all its implementation, "not implemented" there are two main types of. With pressure for the implementation of the index, it is common for the first time. Talk with a number of grass-roots cadres, talk to the depths, asked not to pursue the crux. They admitted that meeting the requirements of, documents say, can often be slow, cold, anyway, how they are implemented and no one is seriously no one checked. But urging the superior, personal account, it is necessary to implement, even for the night. Or implementation, superior would simply put you on the spot. Such thought-provoking.

Faced with the need to implement the task, a responsible cadre tasks sorted by the weight and priority, but also there are some "slick" face to act under the direct authority of cadres. For them, the layers of the meeting issued a "Thunder", but pressure is small, only direct request by his superior to physical pressure. From the perspective of efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation, the kind of layers of conductive pressure, level catch level, the responsibility to the people, urging, did far better than one of those layers of communications practice for the meeting. Important meetings at Central and provincial level is set, files, down-level actions do the talking for the implementation, implementation, file documentation for the implementation of the Conference's strange phenomena will be contained.

With interest for the implementation of orientation, this is the second "not implemented". Now, some cadres policy directive, first thought is not implemented, but weighed, do yourself any good? What adverse effects? Such a balance, enabling execute speedily and without compromise; negative or not, has to be extended, coping, adaptation, which sank without trace or deformed shape.

If cadres at all levels limited to sectoral interests, community interests, personal interests, overall global does not speak, lack of a long-term concept, no sense of obedience, mastery by decree inevitably encounter barriers. If you looked with interest vision of reform measures, did not mind, not about duty, lack of play, to cut the courage come from? Comprehensive reform is a deep adjustment of interest, some curing silos need to dare to break. To implement the reform to deploy, it is necessary to break the barrier of some cadres ' ideological interests, correctly deal with interest pattern adjustment, in accordance with the requirements of the central authorities conscientiously take the reform of the national a chess game.

If comprehensive reform is leading the era transformation of contemporary China climbing to scale new heights in Camden, then promote the style of cadres at all levels to go is this the harbinger of change. In a certain sense, the extent to which changing style, decided to implement the reform efforts. Get rid of formalism and bureaucracy, not to pursue the "stumbling block" to advocate the spirit of hard work and dare to play spirit, full of strong executive power, vision can be translated into the well-being of the people of the reform.

December 02, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily
武汉市直单位去年开1300多个会 平均每天5个|武汉|单位|利益_新闻资讯









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