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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/2 10:09:16 Edit(编辑)
When Mao Zedong was the great leap forward “over“

When Mao Zedong was the great leap forward “over“(毛泽东曾遇大跃进时“放卫星”)

When Mao Zedong was the great leap forward "over": the sides smiled and shook his head _ | | | science farm Chairman Mao news

  54 years ago, Chairman Mao, ningxiang

Tells us that day will be better

  People aged 78 years He Guangguo evening to reporters about their experience on the memorable scenes, "Chairman Mao has been engraved in my heart"

Reporters He Wen Bing

"Future production with machines, buildings, night lights, out the car! "Yesterday, in ningxiang County, a district of the city of, 78 years old He Guangguo recalls 54 years ago, Chairman Mao when he said these words to folks still thrilled. "For 54 years, don't remember many things after all, but the remarks of Chairman Mao to speak to us in your heart. ”

  Heard of Chairman Mao comes back, you go around spreading

He Guangguo born in yiyang cangshuipu 14 years old to join the army. "Because the poor, not reading as many books, but like a literary creation. "He Guangguo told reporters, because I like to write something, he was specially-recruited into the army. 10 years in the army, He Guangguo and created a large number reflects the military culture works, also has joined the rise as a cadre.

Age 23 years He Guangguo jobs from the army to the Dongfeng commune in ningxiang County (now the longfeng Shan) Shigang Brigade Secretary of party general branch enterprises. "I never dreamed of in her lifetime to see Chairman Mao, and Chairman Mao said. ”

"Around June 27, 1959, in the then East on a highway in the territory of the people's communes, coming down the road from shaoshan direction over more than 10 cars. Car after driving down a hillside, is parked on the road side. "He Guangguo recalled that hot weather in the afternoon, rice has begun to hook head bulk seeds, peasants working in the fields of collective labor. "Three or four months ago, we received a notice from above, requirements will be stacked along the way on the road towards shaoshan peasants pyre removed pavement leveling. ”

At that time, the villagers on the road when the Government requested that the whole usual is not surprising, knowing that there has to be a big deal to go to shaoshan, "but da Chairman Mao's back. ”

From the second car, came up with a burly man, he stood at the side of the highway, look around the landscape around rice fields. Then everyone else out of the car, stood by his side. Down so many cars, to throw all the people around the curious eyes, walking on the road by a group of students from school is run to watch the fun. He Guangguo and were in the field of Labour members to lay down their work, also kicked the last catch.

The fastest runner was Huang Lezhi and other xiyazi, they soon recognized was Chairman Mao, a pleasant surprise, can't help but shout "Chairman Mao! Chairman Mao! ”

"The people behind the front, people on both sides of the Middle run, people ran outside in the room. People go around spreading ' Chairman Mao '! Everyone was ecstatic, while roads were crowded with adults and children, calm mountain rushed suddenly into an uproar. "He Guangguo recalled, when Chairman Mao and animated, jianbu walk on a gravel road.

  Standing on the edge of the field, teaches people to scientific farming

Chairman Mao, wearing a white shirt, grey trousers, wearing cloth shoes, smiled and waved to the crowd. At this point, saw Chairman Mao have many equal distance, length, breadth and height along public roads, wiped clear out mud, also wrote propaganda slogans in lime mortar of mud heaps, beside stopped and asked the crowd: "this is mezi? "Jiang Qingyun, and several other members busy replied," then called the ' composting ', which is grass, retting bad take to the fields after rice fertilizer. "Chairman Mao, reflected for a moment, pointing to the" compost "to say to everyone:" turf on the highway, topped with mud, the Sun scorched, bursting the mud, rain on the grass will green retting is not bad. "As Chairman Mao said, He Guangguo and members nodded. "Scientific farming, do not engage in formalism, don't make it the road policy for others. ”

Chairman Mao off the road comes to the edge of the field. Roads on both sides of the field, everywhere "satellite Dome," "leap into the hills" plots, such as the brand. Hair President see has a experimental plots brand Shang wrote of "per Mu 10,000 pounds" of "fairy" digital Hou, side laugh side shook his head, and bent down to, with hand caught has several spike rice seedlings rack, see has see rice of length and grain number of how many, will asked station in beside of loess Tong grain points workers King Shi wakes up: "such of seedlings rack, a acres can hit how many Valley? "Wang Shixing hesitates to answer:" pyrrole-like seed, an acre of thousand-pound Valley. ”

After listening to Chairman Mao, not his answers, turned to accompanying person and the presence of the crowd said: "such plants an acre must not guess Tagaya, early rice and late rice two season combined to hit 800 kg, good, thank goodness! "" Statement of Chairman Mao's left hand raised, pointing at numbers 2 and 8, respectively. "Yesterday He Guangguo recalls the scene, he said, fukuafeng to the following Chairman Mao knew.

Chairman Mao said: "now we have no mechanization, lack of fertilizers and pesticides, there is no better seeds. We are still mixed fertilizer and cultivation, output is not very high. "Chairman Mao went on to say to the people on the scene, set production plans, be a good room. Production, to do everything to persist in seeking truth from facts, and things to do well. He Guangguo told reporters that the time when early rice yield per Mu does not exceed 400 kg, rice production is only about 400 kg.

  Tell the folks in the future, will be better

Chairman Mao from the edge of the field at the back on the road, a woman aged nearly 50 jogged to the highway. Her name is Tan Tao XI, ate before the founding of new China. Due to the rush of Chairman Mao, her foot to step on the field and nearly fell. At the sight of Chairman Mao, and walked over and asked: "didn't hurt, right? "Tan Tao XI from the field stood up, smiling beside Chairman Mao came to salute shouting" Chairman Mao ". Chairman Mao shake hands with her, asking her: "you live? "Tan Tao XI said:" travel together, you old people, we now have something to SIP. ”

Chairman Mao after listening, asking which is the village Party Secretary. He Guangguo stretched his head sheepishly answered, "I am the village Party Secretary." He Guangguo and the presence of masses of Chairman Mao said: "food is not enough, machines for future production, building, night lights, out the car! ”

"Look, these words of Chairman Mao, bang bang jump with excitement in my heart and thought, if I can have such a day would be nice. "He Guangguo told reporters that their mood at that time.

Half an hour passed imperceptibly. Car starts, Chairman Mao stood in front of the car, waving to the public. The presence of the crowd reluctantly looked at the cars drove slowly, until it was out of sight.

(Edit: SN094)
December 02, 2013 Evening star online-top




  记者 贺文兵





















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