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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/2 10:08:33 Edit(编辑)
The people’s daily published an article called rejection of traffic habits _ Sina news

The people’s daily published an article called rejection of traffic habits _ Sina news(人民日报刊文呼吁摒弃交通陋习_新浪新闻)

The people's daily published an article called for rejection of traffic habits _ news

On December 2, is the national road safety day. On this day, initiated by the Ministry of public security traffic management Bureau joint media "top 10 transportation habits in my eyes" online survey activities to an end. Feel free to change lanes, get a cell phone ... ... People involved in the investigation as well as in the reflection: the repugnant traffic practices, if you have had?

In November 2012, approved by the State Council will be set up every year on December 2 for "national road safety day." "China on the wheels" fasten "fasten seatbelts", in recent years, "national safety day" established a number of laws enacted, to the broad participation of all sectors of the community on the management of road traffic, we have been working hard.

Overall traffic safety situation is stable, the number of accidents every year, on a declining trend

10 years ago, China introduced the road traffic safety law, national ownership of motor vehicles for 96 million cars, drivers for 105 million people. By the end of October 2013, reserves reached 250 million units for motor vehicles, drivers reached 275 million people.

Development has brought convenience brought about human contradictions have become increasingly prominent, vehicles, roads, road traffic safety increased considerably. Do? Strict management of social consensus.

May 1, 2011, "drunk driving" into the sentence. Maxim punish drunk driving, so that "drinking don't drive, don't drink driving" sense of ease in people's hearts, occurred because of DUI drunk driving accident decreased markedly. According to the Ministry of public security traffic management Bureau statistics and law enforcement for two years, the national death toll of traffic accidents due to DUI laws 18.4% drop in the previous two years, in which traffic fatalities caused by drunk driving laws two years ago by 10.8%.

Shortly thereafter, for passenger and freight transport vehicle "three excesses of fatigue", centralized management for savage trucks started started red light 6 points, driving even more and more ... ... Multi-pronged, car number "hard growth" growing and safe transport of the "soft environment" of step.

"The situation of road traffic safety in China maintained a generally smooth! "The Ministry of public security traffic management Bureau Director Xu Ganlou said that a declining trend in the number of accidents of road traffic safety in our country, especially for the effective containment of the serious traffic accidents from 1996 all-time high of 80 per cent in 2012, 25.

  "Smooth" become the new hope, traffic management faces new challenges

Gratified, we must not forget another fact: the contradiction of people, vehicles, the road is still grim.

Has the data to prove it, in 2003, private cars with fewer than 6 million cars, up to now, national private car ownership has 85.07 million vehicles, 14 times that of 10 years ago.

Advent of the automobile age, making wide roads cannot be hosted, crowded and complex array of cars, vehicle removal difficult. Concerns about traffic, care, more looking forward to the traffic, "smooth" and hope the traffic etiquette.

Measures to control traffic demand limited restrictions were introduced at the same time, also looking for ways to develop transit potential, implementation of lean management. Since September 12 this year, Chaoyang road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, in order to ensure the smooth flow of traffic safety and, Chaoyang road (Jingguang bridge to ciyunsi bridge) from East to West to main roads inside lanes set to tide lane. The former "explosions and blocking" sections, many today in the evening peak, smooth and orderly.

From this, we develop transit potential, optimize traffic order, the smooth flow of traffic is to be expected.

Abandoned transportation practices, share peace involved in traffic

In fact, resolving contradictions between people, vehicles, roads to avoid further accidents of road traffic safety, a key element is "human".

In fact, in many cases, traffic gridlock is caused by changed lanes. Mr Xu Ganlu, "said 80% per cent of the traffic accident is caused by a motorist offences, traffic practices. From 1 October this year alone, 14 million national traffic control Department were investigated ran, speeding to 53.4 million, driver fatigue, 1.48 million ... ... "

Each transport practices are closely linked to traffic accidents. With this understanding, a large number of traffic volunteers through the streets of civilization, active in networking. In Yangzhou, Jiangsu, always can see several pupil wearing yellow hats with their parents, holding red flags, side-by-side at the junction of vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the past civilizations persuasion. "Fun post" appear to raise children at the same time, driving a family and a group of pedestrians obey traffic etiquette.

(Edit: SN027)
December 02, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily




















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