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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/2 9:53:05 Edit(编辑)
China abacus into the heritage list

China abacus into the heritage list(中国珠算加入申遗行列)

Abacus in China China abacus | list join the list | | eliminated _ news

Authorities wide nets Beijing, December 2 (Xinhua Li won) according to voice of the Yonge-Canton News reported, "about five to four, three, five to two, one to nine in a ... ..." these abacus formulas do you remember? Starting today (2nd) by 7th UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage the eighth meeting will take place in Azerbaijan Baku, UNESCO will include Chinese Abacus, Korea kimchi 31, options are considered.

Abacus can be said to be my fifth great invention of China, is the world's first pocket calculator, so far there are more than 1800 years old. Born in the 80 's of the last century people, Abacus memories primary schools with grade 3 experienced abacus sang a song, going to school, which used to be compulsory in primary schools, but has now been cancelled for primary school compulsory. Not only is the case, now the accounting profession will no longer require students to use an abacus, students are now using the keypad Pearl abacus risk being left behind.

Regardless of whether abacus can list, there are two kinds of opinions, argue it out fate is irreversible, said another hot discussion, we may know of Abacus in China's resurgence as an opportunity.

Administered by Dr Li Yi, a Professor of East China Jiaotong University, believes that universities there is no need to offer courses teaching the abacus, but primary schools still is necessary for students to learn abacus, abacus can improve students ' understanding of logarithmic, improve flexibility, for children's brain development has some benefits.

Luo Yan, Vice President of Jiangxi Normal University of science and technology management College, said the abacus as a traditional culture, should not be lost, students do not have to master, but at least let them know there is a calculation method called abacus. Experts believe that Abacus ' piracy is successful is not important, how to make the abacus in ancient cultures play now functionality is worth thinking about the problem.

(Original title: following the "Korea Pickles" after "Chinese Abacus" joined the ranks list)

(Edit: SN028)
December 02, 2013 China broadcast network

  央广网北京12月2日消息(记者 李赢) 据中国之声《央广新闻》报道,“一下五去四,三下五去二,一去九进一……”这些珠算口诀你还记得吗?今天起(2日)到7日,联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会第八次会议将在阿塞拜疆巴库举行,教科文组织将对包括中国珠算、韩国泡菜在内的31个备选项目进行审议。





(原标题:继“韩国泡菜”之后 “中国珠算”加入申遗行列)


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