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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/2 9:53:02 Edit(编辑)
Changchangtt Set sculpture for jump river rescue officers

Changchangtt Set sculpture for jump river rescue officers(浙江金华为跳江救人军官树立雕塑)

Zhejiang Golden jump river rescue officer of Huawei established the sculpture (photo) | | | to jump the River, Jinhua, Zhejiang saved _ news

CNS, Jinhua, November 30 (reporters and Hu Fengcheng)-a person touched by a city. 30th, in the "2007 China's top ten scenic character"-confidential staff officer Meng Xiangbin SAF Brigade brave and dedicated bridgehead South of Jinhua in Zhejiang Province, put up a save he jumped the river sculpture. "He is the pride of Jinhua, we will never forget him. "Hundreds of Jinhua spontaneously came to pay tribute to members of the public said that 6 years or 60 years, he was the pride of the people of Jinhua.

  Miss a man touched by a city a city one

Total 5 meters high sculpture, bronze material, portrayed Meng Xiangbin and the river struggled to fight scenes. 6 years ago on November 30, he took his wife and daughter to the district in Jinhua City shopping. After the Tongji bridge, a young woman jumped from bridges over more than 10 meters high, Meng Xiangbin Town South of bridgehead jump leap with one life to save another life, moved in Jinhua city, to feel always fell into the icy water.

Wind whistling, the water is cold, heroes are gone. Days at the beginning of December 2007, the city of Jinhua, a soldier called Meng Xiangbin, due to moving and crying, tens of thousands of people holding chrysanthemum, came to see them off.

6 years, nor will he forget the people of Jinhua.

"Since Meng Xiangbin sacrifice, continuing to reflect to us the public, want to heroes statue. "Xinhua learned from China in gold, to facilitate the public to honor the heroes, who last year started the preparatory work.

  If you are 6 or 60, we will never forget him

30th, Meng Xiangbin sacrifice 6 anniversary, with respect, braving cold, hundreds of missile-troop's officers and men walked with firm steps, spontaneous Jinhua and hundreds of thousands of people, came to the South of the city bridge, attend Meng Xiangbin statue was inaugurated.

Reporters at the scene saw, this 4.5-meter-high bronze statue of gleaming in the sunlight, lifelike, Meng Xiangbin struggled to rescue the touching moment frozen forever.

"Last night, we heard today placed statues of Meng Xiangbin, specially came today. "One graying man said, among the crowd, some are used to seeing Meng Xiangbin feat jump river rescue citizens.

At about 10 o'clock, the ceremony began, their mistress in hand, placing bouquets and wreaths and hung up the elegiac couplet, hat bows to convey my grief.

Recalled Meng Xiangbin feats in the past, some people can't help crying face up. Once with his family, Meng Xiangbin Zhang off at the public: Madam Deputy, today with his son, came to buy a bouquet of flowers, gently on the parapet. She said: "the Jinhua people touched by deeds of Meng Xiangbin, touched by a city. He is the pride of Jinhua, both 6 years or 60, we will never forget him. ”

Meng Xiangbin, military leaders said that, in future, they will be put here as a base for patriotic education, both recruits and Veterans retired, is November 30 of each year, they are here to remember the martyrs in the future. (End text)

(Original title: Zhejiang Golden jump river rescue officer of Huawei established the sculpture (photo))

(Edit: SN028)
November 30, 2013 China News Network

  中新网金华11月30日电(见习记者 胡丰盛) 一个人感动一座城。30日上午10时,在“2007年感动中国十大人物”——第二炮兵某旅机要参谋孟祥斌英勇献身的浙江金华城南桥头,树起了一座他跳江救人的雕塑。“他是我们金华的骄傲,我们永远不能忘记他。”成百上千自发前来前来悼念的金华市民说,无论6年还是60年,他都是金华人们的骄傲。















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