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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/2 9:52:39 Edit(编辑)
Called the army intercepted on three occasions the US-Japan military

Called the army intercepted on three occasions the US-Japan military(台称大陆军机三度拦截美日军机)

Called the army intercepted three degrees | | block | us-Japan military aircraft military aircraft air defense identification zone _ news

"Global network reported" Taiwan area "Central News Agency" 2nd, "Defense Minister," strict 2nd that the Mainland after Tokai announced air defence identification zone, army on 26, 27 and 29th blocked from entering within the identification area military aircraft of the United States and Japan.

Reported discipline emphasized, set up at the island's air defense identification zone, "without any aircraft on the continent." On 26, 27 and 29th a blocking action in mainland China, "flying close together."

Taiwan's "Intelligence Minister" Ke Wenan added that after November 23 United States entering air defense identification zone 13 times, the East China Sea Japan 85, continental 55 times, but not sure if it was in the identification area to intercept under surveillance system, near 1 nautical mile, the bright spots are overlapping part 3 times, on 26, 27 and 29th respectively.

According to CCTV on December 1 the live news program reported that on November 29, the Chinese Defense Ministry said China's air force aircraft took off on the same day emergency, verifying the entering air defense identification zone in the East China Sea cross recognition Japan self-defense forces aircraft. November 30, Japan Defense Minister said no aircraft emergency xiaoyesi v code closer to special events.

Japan Defense Minister xiaoyesi 30th morning of five code said yesterday at air self-defense force fighter jet into the East China Sea when the air defense identification zone, do have a Chinese Air Force fighter jets took off, but China is not close to the SDF Fighter fighter.

Xiaoyesi when the five pawns declared: "as far as we know, China claimed yesterday close to the aircraft emergency special events did not happen. ”

(Original title: called the army blocked American and Japanese aircraft on three occasions-proof or not recognized)

(Edit: SN089)
December 02, 2013 Global times


  报道称,严明强调,在台方设立的防空识别区内,“没有任何大陆的飞机”。 在26、27、29日中国大陆有拦截动作,“飞的距离很近”。





(原标题:台称大陆军机三度拦截美日飞机 日防相不承认)


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