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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/2 9:51:58 Edit(编辑)
Aiming at Beijing will introduce Nissan’s intelligent traffic system to ease congestion

Aiming at Beijing will introduce Nissan’s intelligent traffic system to ease congestion(日媒:北京将引进日产智能交通系统缓解拥堵)

Aiming at Beijing will introduce Nissan's intelligent traffic system to ease congestion | Japan | | Beijing _ intelligent transportation news

"Globe reporter Guan Chao," Japan's Kyodo News reported on December 2, will formally introduce Nissan's intelligent transportation system in Beijing to ease traffic congestion and air pollution caused by automobile exhaust and other issues. Previously, Nissan under Japan's new energy and industrial technology development organization and China's national development and Reform Commission of Protocol 1 to the system: an empirical test.

It was reported that Beijing has developed a building "intelligent transportation urban" goal, plan to introduce smart phone software to display real-time bus system, undertaken jointly with the Nissan one of the empirical tests of the system are the core of the plan.

The system consists of "dynamic route guidance" and "eco-driving support" constitute, by car IT is the function of the former Terminal to prompt the arrival of traffic information based on the receipt of the shortest path, the latter through mobile terminal or a home computer tips fuel consumption levels and "eco-driving" level information.

System construction and to provide the Terminal work, apart from Japan's NTT Data Corporation, hangsheng electronics of the car electronics business and system development software company in Beijing, local enterprises are also involved.

NEDO company Beijing Office representative, Sukehiro Hasegawa, Hao said, "expect to open their doors by Japanese companies outside the enterprise, to create a more favorable environment to improve congestion."

About 1 year of positive test results show that effective use of EMS 6.8% increase in auto fuel efficiency. Moreover, if Beijing 10% install the dynamic route guidance system for road vehicles, can reduce carbon dioxide emissions per year to 10%.

(Original title: aiming at Beijing will introduce Nissan's intelligent traffic system to ease congestion)

(Edit: SN028)
December 02, 2013 Global times

  【环球网报道 记者 关超】日本共同社12月2日报道称,北京市将正式引进日产汽车的智能交通系统,以缓解因交通拥堵及汽车尾气等造成的空气污染问题。此前,日产根据日本新能源和产业技术综合开发机构和中国国家发改委的协议对该系统进行了1年的实证试验。








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