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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/1 20:45:48 Edit(编辑)
Concealed the accident has been caused by failure of junction 8 deaths of Shanxi, 2 were still buried

Concealed the accident has been caused by failure of junction 8 deaths of Shanxi, 2 were still buried(山西交口崩塌瞒报事故已致8人死亡,2人仍被埋)

Inhabited by 8 people dead collapsed not reporting incidents of Shanxi 2 are still buried | collapsed | hidden | Shanxi _ news

Authorities wide nets in luliang, November 30 (Xinhua Linan) reporter the night of 30th from Shanxi luliang city information Office was informed that Shanxi Sheng XI coal industry accident today (30th) night confirmed pulled 2 bodies of the victims. At present, the casualties of the accident are: 1 people were injured, 8 dead, 2 missing. It is understood that the remains were buried in and rescue personnel at the scene of the emergency.

On November 27, Shanxi Sheng Kai coal mining co, Ltd in jiaokou County of luliang city cloud thousands village dispose of mountain landslide occurred during the geological security risks, a construction excavator and construction vehicles were buried, after the accident, engineering teams to conceal and transfer the bodies of the victims.

(Original title: News: Cross mountain collapse in Shanxi province concealed the accident had caused 8 deaths 2 still buried)

November 30, 2013 China broadcast network
山西交口崩塌瞒报事故已致8人死亡 2人仍被埋|山西|崩塌|瞒报_新闻资讯



(原标题:快讯:山西交口山体崩塌瞒报事故已致8人死亡 2人仍被埋)


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